The Online Assessment for BIPA Program by Utilizing OER Lidwina Sri Ardiasih Universitas Terbuka Bali, May 8, 2013 BIPA-UT
Outlines Introduction Utilizing OER as an innovation in offering online language assessment BIPA as an online language program The implementation of using OER for BIPA’s online assessment Conclusion BIPA-UT
Introduction Globalization era technology: communication and information Learning a language necessity : communicate in the destination country UT DE: offering BIPA Program fully-online - non-native speakers – CE Program fully supported by UT – strategic plan Challenge online assessment for language skills Using OER as the source for BIPA’s assessment BIPA-UT
Aims 1) describe the current online tutorial of the BIPA Program, particularly its assessment systems, and 2) analyze how far OER supports the assessment process in the BIPA program. BIPA-UT
Utilizing OER as an innovation in offering online language assessment (1) assessment = evaluation different in purpose Simonson,, 2011 assessment: the process of measuring, documenting, and interpreting behaviours that demonstrate learning provide feedbacks Learners: 1) recall the needed concepts or skills, and 2) reinforce themselves to enhance their knowledge Instructors: 1) provide remediation, 2) prepare more appropriate materials based on learners’ needs. Bachman (2002) ‘task-based assessment’ BIPA-UT
Utilizing OER as an innovation in offering online language assessment (2) Connecting Point between Teachers, Testers, and Learners Learners highly motivated to practice using the language, Instructors responsible to provide various materials in order to help learners enhance their language skills, both written and spoken. testers responsible to provide authentic materials for assessing learners’ learning outcomes BIPA-UT
Utilizing OER as an innovation in offering online language assessment (3) 2002 UNESCO has introduced the use of Open Educational Resource (OER) Kanwar and Uvalic-Trumbic (2011) OER: “any educational resources openly licensed content in the forms of streaming videos, paper-based text, video, audio or computer-based multimedia that are openly available for educators as well as students and designed for supporting teaching learning activities” UNESCO (2011) “teaching, learning or research materials that are in the public domain or released with an intellectual property license that allows for free use, adaptation, and distribution” OER flexibility and accessibility used correctly in language online assessment the technology and OER should be combined properly to gain effective and meaningful assessment process. BIPA-UT
BIPA as an online language program Learning a language practicing the four language skills BIPA fully-online language program Designed as a fully-online language program, BIPA is delivered in an online platform enables the instructors provide learners with 1) effective learning activities 2) appropriate assessment package 3) provide opportunities to have a discussion forum. BIPA-UT
The implementation of using OER for BIPA’s online assessment (1) UT the concept DE Institution: accommodate learners with self-learning activities & self-assessment. Jonassen, (1999) “one useful role of technology in e- learning is as a social medium to support learning which enables students to participate in discussion, collaboration with others, and supporting discourse among knowledge- building communities” Zuhairi, (2007) from 2004: UT has applied the Moodle Software as the mode of tutorial delivery. Moodle LMS -- provide documents, graded assignments, quizzes, discussion forums, etc. BIPA-UT
The implementation of using OER for BIPA’s online assessment (2) Moodle (2013) free to download and use; there is no licensing fee Characteristics of OER enables the tutors to modify the assessment facilities BIPA Program online tutorial: 11 weeks The self-assessment accommodated the learners’ needs to practice the language skills by themselves. BIPA-UT
The implementation of using OER for BIPA’s online assessment (3) various assessment are available in Moodle to assess the participants’ reading as well as writing. BIPA-UT
CONCLUSION Technology important role in education: in language teaching and learning process. Currently, offering a language program through online platform is possible. BIPA Program as a language program that offers fully-online teaching and learning activities provide effective and meaningful learning package for the participants The use of OER has been taken as one alternative in BIPA program. Using Moodle software enables the instructor or tutor to provide various activities for learning as well as assessment. BIPA-UT