Spotlight on Emerging Technology Presented to Hamilton Elementary Staff March 31, 2010 Presented to Hamilton Elementary Staff March 31, 2010
Who Are Our Students? Digital Natives frLYDm2Uhttp:// frLYDm2U Where are we going? Digital Natives frLYDm2Uhttp:// frLYDm2U Where are we going?
Online Learning Modules, What Are They? Online Learning Modules are useful for teachers, parents, students in accessing resources useful for learning. Accessible from home or from any location. Online Learning Modules are useful for teachers, parents, students in accessing resources useful for learning. Accessible from home or from any location.
What Would I Do With An Online Learning Module? Manage classes Tutor online, find tutoring resources Create rubrics Access lesson plan ideas Book exchange Create websites Manage classes Tutor online, find tutoring resources Create rubrics Access lesson plan ideas Book exchange Create websites
Why Should I Use An Online Learning Module? Our students are global citizens - how are you embracing that? Collaborate with other peers - students can collaborate with peers as well. Can be seen as a teachable moment. Gain new learning perspectives. It’s FREE!!!!! Our students are global citizens - how are you embracing that? Collaborate with other peers - students can collaborate with peers as well. Can be seen as a teachable moment. Gain new learning perspectives. It’s FREE!!!!!
Where is Education Heading? Another reason to incorporate technology and online learning modules is that technology is changing. Competition is vital in order to compete with other countries. The 21st century skills (on handout) needs to be incorporated. Another reason to incorporate technology and online learning modules is that technology is changing. Competition is vital in order to compete with other countries. The 21st century skills (on handout) needs to be incorporated.