Natural Methods of Family Planning
Family Planning According to WHO Family Planning is a way of thinking and living that is adopted voluntarily ,upon the basis of knowledge ,attitude and responsible decisions by individuals and couples ,in order to promote the health and welfare of family and this promote effectively to the social development of family.
According to another expert committee ;Family Planning refers to practices that help couples and individuals certain objectives : To avoid unwanted birth. To bring about wanted births To regulate the interval between pregnancies To determine the number of children in the family To control the time at which birth occurs in relation to parents
Natural methods of contraception These are the methods in which the woman assesses the physiological signs and symptoms to dtermine ovulation and hence determine the fertile period . Miscellenous – 1.abstinence 2.coitus interruptus 3.rhythm period 4. lactational amenorrhoea
Abstinence Withdrawl method Is not practical Hardly practiced Can lead to temperamental changes like nervous breakdown
Coitus interruptus Withdrawl before ejaculation However precoital secretion of male may contain sperm Side effects- vaginism,pelvic congestion ,anxiety neurosis However better than using any other family planning device Failure rate -25%
Safe period (rhythm method ) The shortest cycle minus 18 days gives first day of fertile period and the longest cycle minus 10 days gives last day of fertile period during which intrercourse shouldn’t take place Calender method However menstrual cycles may not be regular or not applicable during postnatal period . Medical complications- ectopic pregnancies And embryonic abnormalities
Lactational amenorrhoea Prolonged and natural breastfeeding offers natural method of preventing pregnancy The failure rate is 1-10%. Only 2 % chances remain if woman is exclusively breastfeeding for first 6 months
Natural method of contraception Basal Body Temperature Cervical Mucosa Symptothermic
Basal Body Temperature method The rise of BBT takes place during ovulation due to progesterone . 0.3-0.5 o celcius Rhythm period can be followed hence
Cervical mucosa method Billings method or ovulation method Observation of changes in the characteristrics of cervical mucosa Ovulation- cervical mucosa becomes clearly white ,smooth ,slippery and profuse Tissue paper is wiped out inside the vagina and then the mucosal changes are seen Requires high degree of motivation .
Symptothermic method Combination of BBT ,cervical mucosa and the safe period method to avoid fertile period Double check method