Ms. Bingham’s 4 th Grade Re ding Ch llenge Activities From Houghton Mifflin Reading
Ms. Bingham’s 4 th Grade Ch llenge Activities Directions: Select one of the following activities to complete independently to extend your understanding of our Journeys theme. Complete a challenge activity contract. Your teacher will give you the due date when the contract is turned in.
Ms. Bingham’s 4 th Grade Ch llenge Activities Research Johnny’s Journey Johnny Appleseed was an American pioneer. Research when and where Johnny Appleseed lived. Explain the purpose of his journey. Include a map to show where he traveled. ObjectiveResearch and write about Johnny Appleseed Materials Reference sources, drawing paper, writing paper, colored pencils
Ms. Bingham’s 4 th Grade Ch llenge Activities Traveling to Space Think about what it might be like when people can take trips to a space station. Write a magazine ad for a travel company that might run such trips. Create a name for the company. Tell what the trip will be like. Include what people will see on the way. Remember to use language that will catch a reader’s attention. ObjectiveWrite an advertisement. MaterialsPoster board, colored pencils or markers
Ms. Bingham’s 4 th Grade Ch llenge Activities Crossing Time Zones Write and solve math word problems that involve crossing one or more time zones as you take a journey across the United States. Include the following: Where the journey begins and ends. The time the journey begins. The kind of transportation you use. The length of the trip. A question about the time you arrived. ObjectiveWrite word problems. MaterialsMap of United States time zones
Ms. Bingham’s 4 th Grade Ch llenge Activities Design a Mural Design a mural showing different modes of transportation people use when they travel. Show both familiar and unusual ways to travel. Include the following in your mural: Compare modes of traveling today and in the past. Show the most popular modes of transportation in various countries. Label each mode of travel. ObjectiveCreate a mural about transportation. MaterialsMural paper, markers, reference materials
Ms. Bingham’s 4 th Grade Ch llenge Activities Animal Journeys Make a chart showing the journeys of four or five migrating animals. Include the following information on your chart: Name of each animal. Where each animal travels. How far each animal travels. ObjectiveMake a chart about animal migration. MaterialsReference sources, drawing paper