HOW TO TAKE AN OBJECTIVE TEST ( True/false and multiple choice) 1. You always have a 50 percent chance of getting a true-false question right even if you guess at the answer. Therefore, always choose an answer. 2. If you are unsure of an answer on a multiple choice test, try to eliminate one or two choices before you guess. This improves your odds. 4.Most teachers are interested in finding out what you know or what you learned in their class. Therefore, don’t look for trick questions. If you are unsure what a question means, ask the teacher for clarification. 3. The only time that guessing is not a good strategy is on tests like the SAT or ACT where you are penalized for wrong answers. 5.Watch the wording of tests. Read the questions carefully. 6.Watch for negatives.
8.Watch for comparative statements (greatest, least, less, often, more, better, generally, majority, primarily, probably). Make sure you evaluate the meaning of these words carefully before you try to answer the question. 9.Stick with your first hunch unless you’re completely sure you’ve misread the question or you’re sure your answer is wrong. When students change their answer, their new answers are incorrect 70 percent of the time. 7.Watch for words that indicate absolutes (always, all, invariably, every, never, only, none).
HOW TO ANSWER AN ESSAY QUESTION 1.Read the __________ carefully. 2.Before you start to write, do some ______________ on a piece of scratch paper and make a rough ________ of your answer. 3._______ before you write. 4.When you write out your answer, be sure that you ______ to the ______ and the ______ you have made. 5.Always take a minute to _______ what you’ve written. Leave enough room when you ______ so that you can _____ things later. 6._________ and ____________ are important. Think outline brainstorming stick plantopic question add write reread punctuationSpelling
GENERAL RULES FOR TAKING TEST 4.If an exam offers you options and allows you to answer some questions and leave others out, make a tentative decision at the beginning. Mark the questions you plan to answer. If you have any doubts about which questions to answer, leave them until later when you can spare a moment to think about them more. 3. Next, mentally note which questions will be easy to answer and which will be harder. Take a minute to plan your attack. Decide the order in which you will answer the questions and budget your time accordingly. 1. When you first receive a test, look it over thoroughly. How many sections are there? How long is it? How many points is each question worth? 2.Read the directions carefully so that you know which questions require more complete answers
5.Always answer the questions you know first. This way you are sure to get all the easy points. It’s not worth puzzling over the hard questions and running short of time for the easy ones. 6.Unless the instructor tells you otherwise, always choose an answer on an objective test and write something on a short answer or essay test. You cannot possibly get credit if you leave the question blank. 7.Be smart. Go to all the classes. Most instructors will give you hints about what will be on the test.