V INTER-AMERICAN MEETING OF MINISTERS OF CULTURE AND HIGHEST APPROPRIATE AUTHORITIES WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF CIDI THIRD PLENARY SESSION: Culture, common denominator for integral development: Economic empowerment and social inclusion through culture. The symbolic value: Indicators and data of the Contribution of Culture to Development in Colombia. Maria Claudia López Sorzano Deputy Minister of Culture of Colombia
Global Context: Colombia in this context (Unctad 2010) France and Norway are the countries with the largest cultural GDP within their economies with 3,4% and 3,2% respectively. In Australia, Canada, France, United Kingdom and the United States, in 2002 and 2003, the publishing and the printed written media sectors showed the largest contribution within their own structures of the cultural sector. The contribution of the cultural sector in Colombia was 1,56% in 2000 and 1,78% in (Source DANE).
CONTRIBUTION TO THE CULTURAL GDP IN COLOMBIA PER ACTIVITY Culture Satellite Account, Cultural Activities Production Account, 2007, base 2000 P.1 PRODUCTION P.2 INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION B.1 NET ADDED VALUE Participation / Total Editing and Printing3,107,6881,879,7041,227,98416,0 Radio, Television and Cable broadcasting ,0 Advertising, Photography and Research and Development ,8 Leisure, cultural and recreational services ,9 Museums ,5 Education in Arts ,0 Government ,8 TOTAL ,0 Total GDP of the economy: Participation of cultural activities in the National GDP 1,78%
Policy for cultural industries in Colombia The National Council of Economic and Social Policies for the promotion of cultural industries in Colombia, managed by the Ministry of Culture, adopts in the document 3659 the concept of “cultural industries”, in the same line as described by UNESCO and the UNCTAD: as those productive sectors where creation, production and commercialization of goods and services come together based on intangible contents of cultural character, generally protected by copyrights.
Global Context: Colombia in this context (Unctad 2010) Between , the world´s export of cultural goods and services grew 74% and 156% respectively In Colombia, this dynamics shows a much higher growth with 314% in export of goods and 105% in export of services Colombia´s proportion in export of cultural goods compared with countries of the same region (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela) showed in % of the region´s total and 25% in It also contributed to the export of cultural services of countries in the same region with 3,8% in 2003 and 4,2% in 2008.
Global Context: Colombia in this context (Unctad 2010) In the period , the commercial dynamics of import activities of cultural goods and services grew with 68.2% and 122% respectively In Colombia, this dynamics shows a much higher growth with 155% in goods and 182% in services Colombia´s proportion of contribution to import of cultural services in the countries of the region showed a figure of 12% in 2003 and 11% in 2008.
Generation of employment (Published by Unesco 2011) Latin America: Employment in cultural and creative industries
Other resources that generate economic, social and cultural wealth There is a growing exhaustion and extinction of natural resources Knowledge, an inexhaustible resource, that does not pollute and that is constantly exploited and capable of generating value and wealth due to its intangible nature Creativity as the engine of economic and social development based on the generation cultural goods and services Innovation as a present and constant factor to strengthen creative economies “The creative industries´advantage, unlike the other sectors of the economy, is that they can create value from nothing” (Charles Leadbeater)
Realities, actions and challenges in the work with the private sector and the public institutions National Development Plan. Circulation and distribution cultural industries´goods and services. Funding sources. Local development of cultural industries. Specialized educational offer. Use of new technologies in developing business models. What are we doing with these figures?