A pantoum is a poetic form which originated in Malaysia in the 15 th century It is a poem of any length, composed of four-line stanzas with a pattern of repeating lines. The poem uses repetition to create a hypnotic, chant-like rhythm
Pantoum Basic Structure Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 (repeat Line 2) Line 6 Line 7 (repeat Line 4) Line 8 Line 9 (repeat of Line 6) Line 10 Line 11 (repeat of Line 8) Line 12 Line 13 (repeat of Line 10) Line 14 Line 15 (repeat of Line 12) Line 16 Line 17 (repeat Line 14) Line 18 (repeat Line 3) Line 19 (repeat Line 16) Line 20 (repeat Line 1) This pattern could be repeated indefinitely.
Pantoum Example #1 “Dance In The Rain ” Come, dance in the rain with me Let it wash our cares away Drench us through and set us free If only for today Let it wash our cares away Don't worry about tomorrow If only for today Along my path, please follow Don't worry about tomorrow This shower soon will end Along my path, please follow Cast worry to the wind This shower soon will end The memory, it will linger Cast worry to the wind Sate the primal hunger The memory, it will linger Drench us through and set us free Sate the primal hunger Come, dance in the rain with me...
Pantoum “Fleeting ” Hairstrokes of thumbnail sketches. He knew he’d never forget her. Or that tiny pencil-picture she showed him called Gorillas in the Grass. He knew he’d never forget her. Though he may have it wrong, that picture, called Gorillas in the Grass. That could be his name, not hers. He may have it wrong, that picture, pinned to her hallway wall. That could be his name, not hers. It’s all he can really recall. Pinned to her hallway wall They stumbled at each other like a car crash. It’s all he can really recall. She remembered him by his foreign tongue. They stumbled at each other like a car crash. He told her he liked her art. She remembered him by his foreign tongue once they fell to the breaking apart. He told her he liked her art. She called it Gorillas in the Grass. Once they fell to the breaking apart, he said he’d never forget her. She called it Gorillas in the Grass, That tiny pencil-picture she showed him. He said he’d never forget her Hairstrokes of thumbnail sketches. Example #2
Your Assignment Your assignment is to write … a PANTOUM of at least 5 stanzas, with 4 lines per stanza