Weather v Climate Weather Climate Conditions in the atmosphere of one place over a short period of time. Weather patterns that an area experiences over a long period of time.
Factors Affecting Climates L atitude A ir Masses C ontinentality E levation M ountain Barriers O cean Currents P ressure Cells S torms
Latitude Most important control on climate –Lower Latitude = Higher Temperature –Middle Latitude = Seasonal Temperature –Higher Latitude = Lower Temperature
Air Masses Air takes on the characteristics of the land or water it passes over. –Southern Europe = Mediterranean Climate Hot and Dry in the Summer (due to Sahara) Cool and Wet In Winter (due to Northern Europe) –Sahara Desert = Hot Air –Himalayas = Cold Air
Continentality Distance from water –The farther away from water the greater change between winter and summer. Land does not hold heat as well as water. –For example, two cities at same latitude San Francisco –Jan. 57/ Jul. 69 Kansas City –Jan. 22/ Jul. 89
Elevation The higher the elevation the colder and drier the air is. –Air gets thin as it rises. Cannot continue to hold heat or moisture.
Mountain Barriers Mountains block precipitation. –Windward: Side that air blows on that gets rain. –Leeward: Side without rain. –Example: Texas Panhandle is dry because Rocky Mountains block rain.
Ocean Currents Water of the oceans distribute heat. Warm air from equator heads to poles, cold water from poles head to equator Example: Marine West Coast Climate Western Europe is much warmer (and wetter) than places of similar latitude because of warmer ocean currents. –Waters on the east coasts tend to be warm. –Waters on the west coasts tend to be cool.
Pressure Cells Lower Pressure Cells = Rising Warm Air Higher Pressure Cells = Falling Cool Air –0-30°= Low Pressure –30-60°= High Pressure –60-90°= Low Pressure
Looking With LACEMOPS
Storm Systems Changes data but not long term patterns. –For example, hurricanes bring rain but not all year and not every year.
Climate Zones: Polar *Ice Cap –Very Cold All Year *Tundra –Cold with little vegetation *Subarctic -Cold snowy winters, cool rainy summers
Climate Zones: Temperate Humid Continental –Warm rainy summers, snowy winters Humid Subtropical –Hot rainy summers, mild winters Marine West Coast –Warm summers, cool winters, always wet
Climate Zones: Temperate to Arid *Mediterranean –Warm dry summers, cool short winters *Arid –Hot and dry all year *Semi-Arid -Hot dry summer, cool dry winter
Climate Zones: Tropical Tropical Wet and Dry –Hot all year, rainy/dry seasons Tropical Wet –Hot and rainy all year
Climate Zones: Special Highlands –Varies with altitude
Review The lower the latitude the ____ the climates Air that passes over a desert will spread _____ and ______ air. If a place is far from water ____________. The higher the elevation the ____ the air. Moutains often block _____.
LACEMOPS REVIEW 1. Most important influence on climate 2. Type of precipitation that occurs above the equator where hot air rises 3. Mountains often block ______ leaving one side of a mountain a desert 4. The position of the ____ causes earth’s seasons, climates, and day/night. 5. Explains why climates in the center of a continent have more extreme changes in temperatures. A. Continentality B. Precipitation C. Sun D. Latitude E. Convectional
Climate and Ecosystems Ecosystem: Interaction of plant, animal life, and the physical environment. Biomes: Major types of ecosystems in various regions of the world. Climate: Average of temperatures and precipitation over a long period of time.
Forests –Tropical Rainforest Occur where wet and hot (Tropics) Broadleaf Evergreens (Keep Leaves All Year) Most diverse animals and plants –Mid-Latitude Seasonal climates (Middle Latitudes) Deciduous (Shed Their Leaves) –Coniferous Occur in cold climates (Polar) Needle Leaves and Cones to Protect Seeds Grasslands (Center of Continents) –Tropical Warm lands near equator Have wet and dry seasons –Temperate Occur in middle latitudes Precipitation Varies Deserts Arid (Dry) Specialized plants and animals Tundra Temperatures are always cool or cold Small flowers, few plants, moss, lichen Least diverse wildlife on earth