Marketing – focus on consumer types Customers with higher incomes will go on more exclusive holidays
Spending power – consumer types Lower income people will look for less expensive holidays
Consumer needs - Gender Some products unisex Others targeted at women and men Packaging appealing to women Masculine packaging to appeal to men Examples
Is the market for a product large or small? We make the distinction between MASS markets – lots of consumers, product or service is promoted to LOTS of people
Niche Markets The opposite to Mass Markets is Niche Markets Promoting specific products to a particular type of customers Hair gel – what are the consumer characteristics ??????
Radio Stations – Mass and Niche Mass markets are ….. Radio 2 – millions of listeners each week BBC – 1Xtra : aimed at urban yr olds Niche markets are ….
Which is better – Mass or Niche markets? The advantages of mass markets are …. The advantages of niche markets are …. Read through pages 37 – 40 Write up the answers to the above in your notes