Forward Back 23 April 2014Alex MacDonald Q- Project.1 Genre WebQuest. You can print off these instructions, or ask for a paper copy from your teacher. Please read all the instructions on each page then: Follow the links by right clicking the mouse and selecting Open in New Window.
Forward Back 23 April 2014Alex MacDonald Q- Project.2 Genre WebQuest. First, make sure you select Web pages from the UK, then type A Definition of Genre in the search field Tip! Tip! Help on getting around the WebQuest Tip!Tip! like this like thisWe will start the WebQuest by using Google to find some definitions of Genre. You should follow a link like this to enter your definition on-line or you can write them on this Follow this link to start your search:
Forward Back 23 April 2014Alex MacDonald Q- Project.3 Genre WebQuest. Activity. Type answers here. Type answers here. 1.Introduction to Genre Theory to find the things used to define genre, click on Text and then Appendix 2. Type answers here.Type answers here. Type answers here. Type answers here. 2.Genre to find a definition of genre and how comedy should be seen. Type answers here.Type answers here. Then, for fun, you could try the activities on the AS Guru section of BBC Education! You need to look through the search results to find these websites:
Forward Back 23 April 2014Alex MacDonald Q- Project.4 Genre WebQuest. Activity Follow these three steps: Free Resources, 1.Find Free Resources, Film Concepts Online Guide 2.Scroll down to Film Concepts Online Guide and click on more info. Genre The Introduction. 3.Finally, use the link to Genre and find a definition of genre in The Introduction. The Introduction. The Introduction. Next, we need to look on the Film Education Homepage. here here Type that definition
Forward Back 23 April 2014Alex MacDonald Q- Project.5 Genre WebQuest. Activity Now, Enter the Genre section. There are 7 tasks to complete based on your reading of the pages within. here. here.You will find those questions
Forward Back 23 April 2014Alex MacDonald Q- Project.6 Genre WebQuest. The key things that these activities have addressed are specific ideas about the meaning and use of the term Genre in media and film. A Genre is not just a list of ingredients or a set of similarities that every film in a genre must share. Genres are flexible and changing combinations of elements. These are recognised and understood by audiences in ways that guide their choices and influence their pleasures. Genres are used by the industry to make decisions about finance, production schedules and advertising strategies.
Forward Back 23 April 2014Alex MacDonald Q- Project.7 Genre WebQuest. Food for thought… We also need to think about the fact that media producers, audiences and critics do not always agree about genre. This is particularly about whether films can be easily classified into one genre rather than another, whether they stay in that same genre for ever, and whether all films in a genre always share all of the same ingredients. Thank you very much for completing this Genre WebQuest. We hope you found it useful. If you have any comments or feedback, please contact