TRADITIONAL VS INNOVATIVE Teacher-centred instruction Single sense stimulation Single path progression Single media Isolated work Student-centred learning Multisensory stimulation Multipath progression Multimedia Collaborative work
TRADITIONAL VS INNOVATIVE Information delivery Passive learning Factual/Literal thinking Reactive response Isolated, artificial context work Information exchange Active/exploratory/inquiry- based learning Critical thinking, informed decision-making Proactive/planned action Authentic, real world context
MULTIMEDIA The integration of different media into a single delivery system under computer control…… (Newby, Stepich, Lehman, & Russell, 2000) Video and Audio Text Data Graphics Animation
MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES THEORY Logical-mathematical Spatial Linguistic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Bodily-kinesthetic Musical
WHICH INTELLIGENCES HAVE WE BEEN MOST INTERESTED IN? Logical-mathematical Linguistic These are the two areas most often assessed on standardised tests
WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER INTELLIGENCES? How can we develop assessments for the spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal, musical, and bodily-kinesthetic intelligences? Are these intelligences being considered given current pedagogical practices?
LINGUISTIC/VERBAL Asks lots of questions Enjoys talking Has good vocabulary Can pick up new languages easily Enjoys reading and writing Good at memorising names, places, dates and trivia
LOGICAL/MATHEMATICAL Enjoys solving puzzles Plays with numbers Wants to know how things work Oriented towards rule-based activities Likes to collect and classify things Good at maths, reasoning, logic and problem solving
VISUAL/SPATIAL Likes to draw Can interpret maps and charts Likes to build things Enjoys puzzles Doodles Has a keen eye for detail Mechanically adept
MUSICAL Has sensitivity to sound patterns Hums tunes Can discriminate among sounds Moves rhythmically Seeks and enjoys musical experiences Able to keep time
BODILY OR KINESTHETIC Has a good sense of balance Good at physical activities and crafts Can read body language Has good hand-eye co-ordination Can solve problems through doing Can communicate ideas through gesture
INTRAPERSONAL Aware of strengths and weaknesses Confident of own abilities Can set appropriate goals Likes being original Can communicate feelings Good at following instincts
INTERPERSONAL Relates well to peers and adults alike Displays skills of leadership Works co-operatively with others Acts as a mediator or counsellor to others Good at organising, communicating and sometimes manipulating people