Emerging Technologies Working Group Update to WMS March 05, Contents I.Update on NPRR 588 II.Solar Forecasting: Protocol Revisions Needed III.Solar Forecasting: RFP Process and Timeline IV.Next ETWG Meeting
I. Update on NPRR 588 On 12/17/13, NPRR588 was posted. On 1/15/14, ERCOT comments were posted. On 1/16/14, PRS considered NPRR588. On 2/3/14, a second set of ERCOT comments were posted. On 2/6/14, WMS comments were posted. On 2/13/14, PRS again considered NPNRR588. February 13 th PRS Meeting Agenda: On 2/13/14, PRS voted to recommend approval of NPRR588 as amended by the 2/6/14 WMS comments. There was one abstention from the Consumer Market Segment. All Market Segments were present for the vote. 2
II. Solar Forecasting: Protocol Revisions Needed Short-Term Photovoltaic Power Forecast (STPPF) PhotoVoltaic Generation Resource Production Potential (PVGRPP) SECTION 3.13 Renewable Production Potential Forecasts PV-Powered Generation Resource Production Potential – (1) ERCOT shall produce and update hourly a Short-Term Photovoltaic Power Forecast (STPPF) that provides a rolling 48-hour hourly forecast of solar production potential for each PhotoVoltaic Generation Resource (PVGR) RUC Make-Whole Charges Capacity Shortfall Ratio Share Activities for the Adjustment Period 3
III. Solar Forecasting: RFP Process and Timeline ERCOT Staff are proposing possibly releasing the RFP by this summer Prior to the release of the RFP, ERCOT staff has requested that the ETWG arrange a Workshop on PV Forecasting – To cover best practices – Cal-ISO experiences – Etc The RFP Scope of Work, Technical Requirements, etc will be topics on Spring ETWG Agendas 4
IV. Next ETWG Meeting March 24 Discussion and consideration of PV forecasting NPRR issues (possible) Presentation on existing treatment of PV assets by Resource owners Other items, TBD 5
Requested WMS Motion n/a 7