4 October 2007 CISL Technology Development Division Advisory Panel Update Rich Loft TDD Director
4 October 2007 Technology Development Division Organizational Chart Rich Loft Director Jennifer Tobyne Administrative Assistant Earth System Modeling Infrastructure Cecelia DeLuca (SH) Computer Science Henry Tufo (SH) Visualization & Enabling Technologies Don Middleton (SH) Tim Scheitlin (ASH) Renee Ray TDD Administrator
4 October 2007 Outside Grant Funding
4 October 2007 FY04-FY07 CISL Funded Proposals by Fund Source OTHER = NRL, DoD, Commercial, etc.
4 October 2007 NCAR TeraGrid Resource Update
4 October 2007 NCAR TeraGrid Resource Update NCAR in production : As of 0000 MTN, August 1, 2007 NCAR in production : As of 0000 MTN, August 1, 2007 –Accounting System Integration Complete and functioning –CTSS Installed and functioning properly TG Allocations: We’ve had our TG Allocations: We’ve had our –first TG roaming account request! –first MRAC allocation! Frost utilization (ytd) surpassed lightning (e1350) at 53.6%. Frost utilization (ytd) surpassed lightning (e1350) at 53.6%. Recent Developments and Plans- Recent Developments and Plans- –IBM BG/L maintenance contract extended 12 months. –Made $13K of infrastructure improvements to improve fault tolerance, robustness and security of NCAR TG node. –Beginning to migrate local frost users to TeraGrid accounts. –RFI/RFP process for replacing resource 1 year from now.
4 October 2007 VAPOR-TeraGrid Application: Modeling Solar Interior with ASH n O(100s) GB datasets computed and stored at SDSC n GPFS-WAN mounted at NCAR and prepared using VAPoR SW. n Researchers at CU interactively visualize data using laptop.
4 October 2007 VAPOR Compression: POP 1/10 degree ocean model No compression Hierarchical Coefficient prioritization (Progressive refinement) 512:1
4 October 2007 Computer Science: Accomplishments l Administration of frost TeraGrid resource. l Completion of SciDAC-1 project, and awarding of SciDAC-2 project (in collaboration with IMAGe) entitled Petascale General Circulation Model for CCSM. l Initial demonstration of CCSM sequential coupler execution. l Hiring of (Computer) Scientist-1 Matthew Woitaszek.
4 October 2007 Application: Tracers in the 0.1˚POP Ocean Climate Model Use tracers dyes to compute eddy diffusivity tensor, a major source of uncertainty in climate models. Project will bring 10 TB dataset back to NCAR TeraGrid node for analysis and visualization.
4 October 2007 Earth System Modeling Infrastructure: Accomplishments $600K NOAA ESMF-based Modeling Architecture (NEMA) grant was awarded in June, $600K NOAA ESMF-based Modeling Architecture (NEMA) grant was awarded in June, DOD providing $1.5M additional funding FY2008-FY2010. DOD providing $1.5M additional funding FY2008-FY2010. ESMF successfully passed Stage 1 of its Community Climate System Model (CCSM) evaluation, demonstrating, relative to the base code, minimal component changes, less than 5% overhead in time to solution, and comparable memory usage for standard configurations. Plans for Stage 2 are underway. ESMF successfully passed Stage 1 of its Community Climate System Model (CCSM) evaluation, demonstrating, relative to the base code, minimal component changes, less than 5% overhead in time to solution, and comparable memory usage for standard configurations. Plans for Stage 2 are underway. A group at Delft Hydraulics contributed an ESMF port to CygWin, a Linux-like environment for Windows. A group at Delft Hydraulics contributed an ESMF port to CygWin, a Linux-like environment for Windows.
4 October 2007 Visualization and Enabling Technology: Accomplishments l Earth System Grid-2 awarded - Petascale Global Climate Grid - two new FTE’s on board and a third hire is likely. l Renewed NCAR CDP Strategic Initiative - $309K. l Progress on Digital Preservation proposal to the Library of Congress and National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP). l Successful completion of Virtual Solar Terrestrial Observatory (VSTO) project in collaboration with HAO. Coupling Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions (CEDAR) Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (MLSO)
4 October 2007 The Community Data Portal … that integrates models, data, and tools to allow users to search, browse and discover. A solid basis for a Knowledge Environment
4 October 2007 Summer Intership in Parallel Computational Science (SIParCS) l Ryan O’Kuinghttons (CSM) l Victor Snyder (CSM) l Kenny Gruchalla (CU) l Michael Levy (CU) l Arunasalam Rahunanthan (UW) l Matthew Norman (NCSU) l Bobby House (CU)
4 October 2007 SIParCS Objectives l Train a cadre of HPC savvy scientists and engineers. l Enhance our collaborative relationships with U.S. Universities. l Develop a pool of prospective new employees for NCAR. l Stimulate ideas for projects throughout CISL. l Engage CISL staff as mentors and teachers.
4 October 2007 SIParCS Outcomes
4 October 2007 More importantly… “Thank you all for having me! This has been the most valuable and enjoyable work experience I've ever had.” SIParCS student “I know that my student … was very happy with the program. Moreover, his research is going more quickly now, so it was good for my group as well.” SIParCS student advisor
4 October 2007 Questions?