NSF IGERT proposals Yang Zhao Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Wayne State University
Outline -Brief overview of IGERT -Developing a winning IGERT proposal
IGERT Overview Proposals submitted to the IGERT program must describe integrative, research-based, graduate education and training activities in emerging areas of science and engineering. The IGERT project should be organized around an interdisciplinary theme and involving a diverse group of faculty members and other investigators with appropriate expertise in research and teaching. The interdisciplinary theme provides a framework for integrating research and education and for promoting collaborative efforts within and across departments and institutions. Students should gain the breadth of skills, strengths, and understanding to work in an interdisciplinary environment while being well grounded with depth of knowledge in a major field.
IGERT Overview In contributing to a diverse science and engineering workforce for the future, the IGERT project must include strategies for recruitment, mentoring, and retention aimed at members of groups underrepresented in science and engineering, including women, racial and ethnic minorities, and persons with disabilities. The graduate experience should contribute to the professional and personal development of the students and equip them to understand and integrate scientific, technical, business, social, ethical, and policy issues to confront the challenging problems of the future.
IGERT Overview As an opportunity for faculty to experiment with new approaches to graduate education, the IGERT project should provide students with experience relevant to both academic and nonacademic careers. This may involve such activities as internships and mentoring in industrial, national laboratory, academic, or other settings. Globalization of research and career opportunities places importance on providing students with an international perspective. This may be gained through programs within the institution, or through strongly integrated, collaborative research experiences and/or fieldwork at foreign institutions and sites.
NSF Merit Review Facts All proposals submitted to NSF are reviewed according to the two merit review criteria: Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts. IGERT has additional review criteria
Intellectual Merit The interdisciplinary theme Coherence and effectiveness as a focus Forward looking? Important? Effective for graduate students? Is the proposed research of high quality and relevant to the interdisciplinary theme? Administrative plan Roles specified? Avenues for trainee input? If multi-institutional, how will they work?
Intellectual Merit: Education Educational and training plans Quality; what each element will contribute What is novel and innovative? Integration with research How will trainees in all the disciplines involved become familiar with all the disciplines involved? What faculty will be responsible? Global awareness? Competitive innovation incentive fund for integrated interdisciplinary research and innovation (tech transfer).
Broader Impacts Effectiveness of development of personal and professional skills Career development opportunities? Opportunities for working in diverse teams? Instruction in ethics and responsible conduct of research? Appreciation for globality of science?
Broader Impacts Effectiveness of strategies for recruitment, retention, degree completion, and career progression for U.S. graduate students Is there a sufficient pool? Have the participants successfully trained doctoral students in the recent past? Groups underrepresented in science and engineering Native American; African-American; Hispanic; Pacific Islander; women; persons with disabilities
Broader Impacts: Diversity Examples of strategies for diversity: Creative uses of IT for connectivity Collaborations with students or faculty at minority serving institutions (MSIs) Participation in recruitment/retention programs at various MSI institutions Train and reward faculty to diversity efforts Mentoring plans Documentation: past achievements and new plans
Broader Impacts Assessment and Dissemination Will ALL the project goals be evaluated? How will the outcomes have an impact? Commitment of the institution Not necessary dollars but support required for success Sustaining successful elements International collaborative activities Clearly related to the interdisciplinary theme and educational plan? Value to the graduate students?
Elements of Panel Summary Intellectual Merits (strengths/weaknesses) with particular attention to Interdisciplinary theme/science/engineering Education integrated with interdisciplinary theme/science/engineering Broader Impacts (strengths/weaknesses) with particular attention to Diversity (broadening participation) International collaborations
Summary IGERT - It’s all about integration: emerging science/research, excellence in training and education, engaging and enfranchising a broad participation and preparation for 21 st century global careers and contribution.