Radiation Test Facilities G. Spiezia
Engineering Department ENEN Radiation tests facilities Radiation test in the accelerator sector External facilities PSI Fraunhofer CEA Past CERN experimental areas and coming facilities Useful links September 16, 2013G. Spiezia EN/STI/ECECMS Meeting - 2
Engineering Department ENEN R2E - Radiation tests and Monitoring PLC failures at CNGS (2007) Warning/alarm for the LHC equipment Organization of the radiation tests and monitoring services in the framework of the R2E project More and more support requests since then … R2E project Radiation working group Monitoring and calculation working group September 16, 2013G. Spiezia EN/STI/ECECMS Meeting - 3
Engineering Department ENEN PSI facility Energy range: 30 to 23 MeV Beam spot 9 cm Uniformity ~90% over 5 cm diameter Maximum Proton flux (230 MeV): 1.5x10 8 p/cm 2 /sec Flux measurement based on Ionization Chambers and scintillator (u 5-10 %) TID (Si) evaluation based on calculation Dose rate 300 Gy/h (230 MeV at 1.5x108 p/cm2/sec) DD is also tested Small volume Low flux Frame contract CERN-PSI 15 weekends per years (~30 hours per weekend) September 16, 2013G. Spiezia EN/STI/ECECMS Meeting - 4
Engineering Department ENEN PSI facility September 16, 2013G. Spiezia EN/STI/ECECMS Meeting - 5 DUT
Engineering Department ENEN Frauhnofer institute – TID tests Internal Co-60 sources Max dose rate 300 rad/s Max dose for small samples: 100Mrad Temperature range: -55 to +150 C Dosimetry with ionization chambers and TLD Test Volume up to 1 m 3 External source Dose of 100 Mrad for large volumes Only passive tests Blanket contract between CERN and Fraunhofer Ensure availability of the facility Reduce cost Neutron beam also available September 16, 2013G. Spiezia EN/STI/ECECMS Meeting - 6
Engineering Department ENEN Frauhnofer institute – TID tests September 16, 2013G. Spiezia EN/STI/ECECMS Meeting - 7 Cable feeds for the remote control Possibility to get support for the test set-up preparation
Engineering Department ENEN CEA– PROSPERO Fast fission neutron source with U235 core Max power 3 kW Max flux 3x10 10 n/cm 2 /s Energy spectra with peak energy 0.8MeV Fluence given in 1MeV equivalent Dosimetry with passive diodes and fission chambers RadMons (Collaboration CERN – CEA) The max fluence depends on the distance from the reactor and on the volume of the DUT September 16, 2013G. Spiezia EN/STI/ECECMS Meeting - 8
Engineering Department ENEN CEA– PROSPERO Large room: length: 10 m – width: 8 m – height: 6.5 m Installation cylindrical basket which fits on the upper half of the reflector platform that is part of the protection tunnel (300 to 700 mm distance from the reactor axis) mobile table placed in the cell ( > 1 m distance from the reactor axis) 30 meters between the test room and the control room September 16, 2013G. Spiezia EN/STI/ECECMS Meeting - 9
Engineering Department ENEN CEA– PROSPERO September 16, 2013G. Spiezia EN/STI/ECECMS Meeting - 10
Engineering Department ENEN CEA– PROSPERO Beam time must be asked one year in advance Spare slots might be available Main use of the facility is for their own applications September 16, 2013G. Spiezia EN/STI/ECECMS Meeting - 11
Engineering Department ENEN CERN– Experimental areas Used till 2012 CNRAD: parasitic test facilities at CNGS H4IRRAD: North area Test of large volume (Electronics) Radiation field spectra similar to LHC-one Coming soon CHARM-PS (Cern High Energy Accelerator Mixed field/facility at the PS) Dedicated for the Accelerator sector (Contacts: M. Brugger, J. Mekki) Capable to reproduce the radiaiton field of the LHC tunnel and its shielded areas Proton Irradiation facility for experiments (Contact: F. Ravotti, M. Moll) Agenda of the meetings: September 16, 2013G. Spiezia EN/STI/ECECMS Meeting - 12
Engineering Department ENEN Useful links R2E project: RADWG: Test reports: :V0/P:CERN :V0/TAB3https://edms.cern.ch/nav/P:CERN :V0/P:CERN :V0/TAB3 List of test facilities: PSI Fraunhofer: Beam time must be asked one year in advance CEA: emplates/Show.asp?P=812&L=ENSpare slots might be available September 16, 2013G. Spiezia EN/STI/ECECMS Meeting - 13