Family literacy, language and numeracy Family learning impact funding – Family Numeracy Family Numeracy CPD Module 1: Planning and Delivering Family Numeracy Programmes
Family literacy, language and numeracy Family learning impact funding – Family Numeracy 1.1 The aim of the training programme is to: support family numeracy teachers in teaching numeracy effectively to the full range of learners across levels E1 to L2, with particular emphasis on E3 and below.
Family literacy, language and numeracy Family learning impact funding – Family Numeracy 1.2 Learning outcomes By the end of the module, participants will be able to: plan a family numeracy programme to address the needs of individual learners use a variety of strategies to support bilingual parents and carers and those with difficulties and disabilities plan a family numeracy session showing differentiation to meet a wide range of individual needs evaluate the effectiveness of a family learning session.
Family literacy, language and numeracy Family learning impact funding – Family Numeracy 1.3 Features of a family numeracy session: activities with adults only activities with children only joint sessions with parents and children together activities that value the learning that goes on in families at home.
Family literacy, language and numeracy Family learning impact funding – Family Numeracy 1.4 Benefits of family numeracy 84% of parents who enrolled stayed until the end, and attendance was 83%. Childrens progress on number scale and mathematical language scale was statistically significant. 88% of family numeracy children had improved concentration and perseverance. Taken from Family Numeracy Adds Up, Basic Skills Agency, 1998
Family literacy, language and numeracy Family learning impact funding – Family Numeracy 1.5 What parents said: Im far more into it all. Ive made a lot of progress with my own maths. I always thought that maths was adding and taking away that you had to try to do on paper. This course has taught us that maths isnt just sums. Weve counted, measured, played games, read stories, sung songs...
Family literacy, language and numeracy Family learning impact funding – Family Numeracy 1.6 Outcome 1: Plan a family numeracy programme to address the needs of individual learners
Family literacy, language and numeracy Family learning impact funding – Family Numeracy 1.7 National Curriculum levels
Family literacy, language and numeracy Family learning impact funding – Family Numeracy 1.8 The Primary National Framework The seven strands are as follows: Using and applying mathematics Counting and understanding number Knowing and using number facts Calculating Understanding shape Measuring Handling data.
Family literacy, language and numeracy Family learning impact funding – Family Numeracy 1.9 Mapping of the adult and childrens curricula Adult core curriculumPrimary Framework N1/E1.1: Count reliably up to 10Foundation: Count reliably up to 10 N1/E2.1: Count reliably up to 20Year 1: Read and write numerals 0-20 N1/E3.5: Recall multiplication facts (2, 3, 4, 5, 10) Year 2: Count up to 100 in twos, fives, tens N1/E3.2: Add and subtract using 3- digit whole numbers Year 3: Partition 3-digit numbers into multiples of 100, 10 and 1
Family literacy, language and numeracy Family learning impact funding – Family Numeracy 1.10 Outcome 2: Use a variety of strategies to support bilingual parents and carers and those with difficulties and disabilities.
Family literacy, language and numeracy Family learning impact funding – Family Numeracy 1.11 Bilingual education and mathematics The learners first or home language plays a significant role in the learning of the second language in terms of cognitive, linguistic and socio-cultural influences. Bilingual education can be very beneficial in the development of the second language. Learning a second language will not necessarily proceed in an orderly and systematic fashion. Learners will use prior linguistic, learnt and world knowledge, learners will learn when there is a need to communicate and to learn, and learners will learn when they are motivated to learn.
Family literacy, language and numeracy Family learning impact funding – Family Numeracy 1.12 Outcome 3: Plan a family numeracy session showing differentiation to meet a wide range of individual needs.
Family literacy, language and numeracy Family learning impact funding – Family Numeracy 1.13 Features of an effective family numeracy joint session: Outcomes for adults and children linked to both curricula. Range of activities to suit learners at different levels. Activities relevant to everyday life and easy to replicate or follow up at home. Use of familiar resources for adults and children. Sessions should be fun!
Family literacy, language and numeracy Family learning impact funding – Family Numeracy 1.14 Meeting the needs of all learners Differentiate by quantity Differentiate by task Differentiate by level of support Differentiate by outcome Challenge learners Spiky profiles so levels not always helpful
Family literacy, language and numeracy Family learning impact funding – Family Numeracy 1.15 Outcome 4: Evaluate the effectiveness of a family learning session.
Family literacy, language and numeracy Family learning impact funding – Family Numeracy 1.16 Main reasons for evaluating: Evaluation informs programme planning and new developments. It ensures that learners needs are being met. It measures progress It ensures that the target group is being reached (funding is often for specific target groups).
Family literacy, language and numeracy Family learning impact funding – Family Numeracy 1.17 Learning outcomes By the end of the module, participants will be able to: plan a family numeracy programme to address the needs of individual learners use a variety of strategies to support bilingual parents and carers and those with difficulties and disabilities plan a family numeracy session showing differentiation to meet a wide range of individual needs evaluate the effectiveness of a family learning session.