PP 2.1 To be able to identify parents/carers who have literacy, language and/or numeracy needs by using observation and communication skills, and to have.


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Presentation transcript:

PP 2.1 To be able to identify parents/carers who have literacy, language and/or numeracy needs by using observation and communication skills, and to have the confidence to offer appropriate support. Aim

PP Learning outcomes Delegates will be able to: identify parents/carers who may have literacy, language and/or numeracy needs state the purposes of screening/skills checking recognise and dismantle the barriers that make it difficult for parents/carers to discuss their literacy, language and/or numeracy needs and to take up opportunities to improve their skills implement a range of strategies to help families to be able to make the most of the Bookstart and other advice and opportunities available to them. assess exclusivity issues in relation to parents/carers entitlement to learning. 2.2

PP The Learning Journey (from 2005 model) 2.3a The Learning Journey (from 2005 model) For a copy of the 2007 model, please contact DfES Publications, PO Box 5050, Sherwood Park, Annesley, Nottingham NG15 0DJ, tel: ;

PP The Learning Journey for Family Programmes 8 Summative assessment 6. Learning materials 4. Diagnostic assessment 3. Initial assessment 1. Signposting and referral 2. Skills checking 7. Formative assessment 5. Individual learning plan 2.3b

PP Bookstart for Babies 2.4

PP Bookstart + 2.5

PP Healthy Start Trolley 2.6

PP 2.7

PP It is not easy to identify people who could benefit from improving their literacy and numeracy just by appearances. Parents/carers and heath visitors may have learning styles that affect the way they communicate and learn. Giving them information in an accessible form will help them feel valued and willing to take up opportunities to improve their literacy, language and/or numeracy skills. Parents need the skills to be able to help them to look after themselves and their children. There are a variety of ways to identify whether parents/carers have gaps in their literacy, language and/or numeracy skills; one of these would be for health professionals to carry out a skills check during the everyday contacts that they have with parents/carers. End of programme summary 2.8a

PP Opportunities to identify include completing the Red Book, making the most of the Bookstart packs, applying for and using the Healthy Start vouchers. Skills checking can be followed by initial and diagnostic assessment, provided by a qualified Skills for Life specialist. Working in partnership with Skills for Life providers, health professionals and librarians to make the most of the opportunities available really helps parents to improve their skills – this can affect the health and wellbeing of the family. End of programme summary (continued) 2.8b