B ASIC BIBLE COURSE Facilitated by S.B. Mdlalose Part 5: Lesson 9, 10, 11 & 12 (May 2011) © Buhle Park Church of Christ 2011
L ESSON 9 & 10: W HAT J ESUS TAUGHT BY WORD & DEED In these two sections: Christ introduces principles that His Followers/ Disciples should live by & should teach In these two sections: Christ introduces principles that His Followers/ Disciples should live by & should teach Christ himself became an example of this New Covenant. E.g. Became a servant for others (John 13:1-17) Christ himself became an example of this New Covenant. E.g. Became a servant for others (John 13:1-17) Expected His followers to imitate Him in WORD & DEED (1 Cor 11:1, Mat 10:25) Expected His followers to imitate Him in WORD & DEED (1 Cor 11:1, Mat 10:25)
Q UESTIONS ON LESSON 9&10 1. What is the PURPOSE of this present lesson? (To learn principles that His (Christ) followers should live by) 2. What did Jesus USE in RESISTING and OVERCOMING TEMPTATION? (Word of God, Mat 4:1-11) 3. What TWO WORDS did Jesus use repeatedly showing he EXPECTS US TO BE LIKE HIM?, Are those who FOLLOW HIM to be REWARDED? (Follow Me, Yes [Mat 19: 27-29]) 4. List THREE THINGS Jesus DID, when He went about all the cities and villages (Preaching Kingdom of God, Healing, & Teaching, Mat 9:35) 5. Did God send Jesus into the world to CONDEMN the world? If not, why then? (No, to save the world [John 3:17])
Q UESTIONS ON LESSON 9&10 6. Does the PLACE of worship determine its acceptability to God? If not, what constitutes TRUE WORSHIP? (No, In Spirit & In Truth [John 4: 23-24]) 7. What did Jesus teach on serving TWO MASTERS? (Cannot serve them both at the same time, Mat 6:24) 8. Jesus came to destroy or fulfil the law and the prophets? (To Fulfil, Luke 4:16-21) 9. What did Jesus say of a person who loves father, mother, son or daughter more than Him? (He/She is not worthy to be a Christian/Disciple [Mat 10:37]) 10. Where did Jesus say many from the EAST and the WEST would meet? (Kingdom of God, Mat 8:11)
L ESSON 11 & 12: G REAT & LIMITED COMMISSIONS BY J ESUS C HRIST TO H IS D ISCIPLES Limited Commission 1 Limited Commission 2 Great Commission Instructed to… 12 Apostles only (Mat 10:2-4) 70 disciples only (Luke 10:1) 13 Apostles & all His Disciples (Mat 28:18- 20, Act 1:26, 8:40, 9:15) Nation(s) Israel/Jews only (Mat 10:5) Israel/Jews (Luk10:1)All nations (Mark 16:15-16, Acts 1:8) Preach Gospel Coming of the Kingdom of God (Mat 10:7) Coming of the Kingdom of God (Luke 10:10-11) Gospel of Christ (1 Cor 15:1-4) Duration Until Christ visits the city where the apostles have preached (v. 23) Until Christ visits the city where the disciples have preached (v. 1) Until end of time/world (Mat 28:20) Purpose To prepare Israel for Christ’s coming (v. 23) & Kingdom of God To prepare Israel for Christ’s coming (v. 1) & Kingdom of God For Salvation of all men (Mark 16:15) What to carry/ not Mat 10:9-10Luke 10:4Word of God/Christ (Gospel of Christ only) Given Power to… Mat 10:8Luke 10:9, 19Mark 16:17-18 (Apostles & 1 st Century A.D. Disciples ONLY)