New Freedoms: New Focus Abi Lammas London Regional Development Manager
Emerging Challenges Less public money Restricted entitlements Greater emphasis on job outcomes Developing a distinct and vocationally-focused offer Raising the participation age Developing quality, affordable higher education Community development The need to increase the visibility of providers Developing the talent in the workforce
Strategic Ambition Innovative and inspiring teaching and learning Using technology to create innovative, global education platforms Recognised as key delivery partners in economic growth Acknowledged as visible and effective contributors to the Big Society Making a measurable difference to inclusive, cohesive and diverse communities Greater collaboration between providers and professionals to plan and effectively shape the future Working efficiently as a coherent, networked system
Strategic Intentions Our five strategic platforms: Accelerating improved teaching, training and learning Reinvigorating curriculum design Enhancing leadership, governance and management Energising improvement through new ways of working, innovation and efficiency Supporting the sector to influence the future
Further information New Freedoms: New Focus Strategic Intentions: 2011 – 2014 The further education and skills sector in 2020: a social productivity approachapproach Abi Lammas London Regional Development Manager /