Golgi Apparatus By: Kousha Zamanipour 306
What is The Golgi Apparatus? The golgi apparatus can also be referred to as “the post office” of the cell as it functions to package, sort, and modify contents transported from the RER. The golgi apparatus is a structure found in all plant and animal cells. The term “golgi apparatus” refers to the structures’ flattened disc like shape.
More About the Golgi Apparatus The number of compartments usually range form 3-8. The number of sets range from 1- in most animal cells to 100s in plant cells. Specialized secretory cells generally contain multiple golgis’ Golgi complex is responsible for the sorting and packing of such well-known items as insulin, digestive enzymes and pectin.
Golgi apparatus Cis golgi network: entry point into the golgi apparatus, follows the smooth regions of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Golgi stack: main processing area. Trans golgi network: exit point out of the golgi apparatus. This is where the final sorting and packaging takes place. The contents are packaged into vesicles that then bud off the trans golgi network.
Destinations of vesicles Destination 1: inside the cell, ‘the lysosome line’ About different biochemicals exit the Golgi apparatus in vesicles which are destined for delivery to the lysosomes. Destination 2: the plasma membrane, ‘the continuous secretion line’. This group of secretions will contribute extracellular matrix, act as chemical signals to other cells, and provide proteins for the repair and replacement of the plasma membrane.
Destinations of vesicles Destination 3: outside the cell, ‘the regulated secretion line’ Vesicles and chemicals of this group are produced in specialist secretory cells. They move from the trans Golgi network (TGN) towards the plasma membrane but accumulate in number before reaching the membrane.
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Refrences learning/golgi-apparatus/ learning/golgi-apparatus/ oplasmic-reticulum-golgi-apparatus-and- lysosomes oplasmic-reticulum-golgi-apparatus-and- lysosomes