Cheryl Campbell Senior Registration Officer Registration and Regulation
Mandatory Registration Part of the RegisterMandatory Registration Social WorkersSeptember 2005 All Residential Child Care WorkersSeptember 2009 Adult Day Care and Care Home ManagersNovember 2009 SCSWIS Authorised OfficersMarch 2010 Managers in Day Care of Children ServicesNovember 2010 Practitioners in Day Care of Children Services September 2011 Supervisors in Care Home ServicesMarch 2012 Managers in School Care AccommodationNovember 2012 Practitioners in Adult Care Home Services29 March 2013 Supervisors in School Care Accommodation30 April 2013
Future Dates for Mandatory Registration Part of the RegisterDate of Mandatory Registration House Staff in School Care Accommodation30 November 2013 Support Workers in Day Care of Children Services30 June 2014 Housing Support & Care at Home Managers31 January 2014 Support Workers in Adult Care Home Services30 September 2015 Supervisors in Housing Support & Care at HomeExpected 2017 Workers in Housing Support & Care at HomeExpected 2020
New Workers Where mandatory registration is in place workers starting in a new role have 6 months to achieve registration. Although mandatory registration is not yet in place for managers of housing support and care at home any new worker into these roles is required to be registered within six months of commencing their role.
Eligibility Workers must be working in a service regulated by the Care Inspectorate to be eligible for registration. Workers already registered with another regulatory body eg the Nursing and Midwifery Council are not eligible for registration with the SSSC.
Register Parts How do I know which part of the Register I should be applying for? Workers should discuss this with their employers based on: Definitions of register parts on the SSSC website The role the worker undertaking not their job title
Registration Subject to Conditions The SSSC can register a worker subject to the condition that they gain a qualification within a set period of time. Employers under the Codes of Practice are required to support workers to gain their qualifications and monitor their progress. Training plans should be in place to ensure that workers achieve their qualification within the required timescale. Additional time may be granted if a worker has had particular difficulties in achieving their qualification this will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.
Who is responsible for Registration? Employers are responsible for ensuring they are employing registered workers – it can take up to 60 days to process an application for registration Workers are responsible for maintaining their registration, including achieving qualifications The SSSC can remove someone from the Register without referral to a Registration Sub-Committee for the following reasons: Non-Payment of Annual Fee Failure to Renew Failure to Meet a Condition
MySSSC Applicants Apply online Registrants Pay Fees Renew Registration Change of Details PRTL Apply for Registration Employers View employee details Report changes to employee details Endorse applications Maintain countersignatories Universities Student results Notification of commencement View student details Report changes to student details Endorse applications
Contact the SSSC The Scottish Social Services Council Compass House 11 Riverside Drive Dundee DD1 4NY Telephone:
Alexis Fitzgerald Senior Conduct Case Officer
Referring to Fitness to Practise What do you know about who gets referred to Fitness to Practise?
Used to be known as Conduct FtP deals with referrals about applicants, registrants and people not registered- from members of the public; service users; employers; registered workers and applicants Investigates allegations of misconduct; investigates to determine if someone applying for registration is of good character, conduct and competence Types of cases Makes recommendations and decisions about registration- may be different from an employers decision Fitness to Practice
What we need from employers for applicants/registrants Specificity Witness details and signed statements Kept up to date Informed when an allegation has been made