1 Train to Gain Continuing professional development ILP Targets for Company Classes EHWL College This resource was produced as part of the Effective Practice Projects on the Skills for Life Support for World Class Skills Programme 2009.
2 What is an ILP?
3 What are SMART targets?
4 Lets take a look at some targets… I want to improve my speaking I want to improve my spelling I want to improve my writing
5 Look at these targets… I want to improve my sentence structure by working on verb tenses and agreement. I want to write a good report by using more formal language. Write at least one text a week eg an , letter or class homework. Note teachers corrections and keep a diary of spelling/grammar points to remember.
6 Sector Specific Targets Look at the handout.
7 Setting Targets for Your Students
8 Feedback on the Session and the Current ILP format