Sparta and Athens CH 5 Section 3
Chapter review Who were the earliest known Greeks? What is an acropolis? What book tells the story of the Trojan war? Someone who took power but had the peoples support? The Olympic games were held every 4 years in honor of who?
Sparta the Military Ideal A group of people moved into the area of Peloponnesus and conquered the people there {Helots The conquered people of Peloponnesus forced to work for the new invaders} The invaders conquered Sparta and made it their capital Sparta was located in a valley as opposed to a hill like other Greek city-states They did not surround the city with walls for defense This might explain why the Spartans developed very differently becoming highly militarized
Spartan Society The Society had three social groups The Equals- descendants of the invaders they controlled the city-state and divided the land equally among themselves Half citizens- were free but had no political power, they paid taxes and served in the army Some Half citizens farmed, others lived in town and some even became rich Helots- were the slaves; Spartans decided how they worked and lived they outnumbered the Spartans and hated them
Spartan Govt. They had two kings One led the army the other was head of the Govt. Council of elders- made up of 28 male citizens over the age of 60 The Council proposed laws and acted as a criminal court The assembly was made of all male citizens over 30 yrs old They voted on the laws proposed by the council and they elected {ephors who made sure the king stayed within the laws}
Govt. Continued There were five ephors who served one year terms Ephors also had control of the education of all young Spartans
Spartan Military Society
Military The idea was to make every adult male citizen part of the Spartan Military machine When born if there are any birth defects you are left to die in the wilderness Babies were bathed in wine to toughen their skin and were taught not to be afraid of the dark They were also taught not to be picky about the food they ate
Life of Spartan Male At 7 you left home and lived in a military barracks where you learned to read and write From 18 to 20 you were trained for war At 20 you began your military service and could marry You could not live in your own home till 30 You could not engage in trade or business because love of money interfered with discipline You remained eligible for military service until the age of 60 Older men were to work for the public good not focus on their private lives
Spartan Women {As future mothers Girls were also brought up strong and healthy} Genetics, {They received strict physical training} and were taught to be loyal to the city-state Boys and girls studied music to learn coordination and discipline The Spartan society created little in the way of art, literature, philosophy and science.
Athens: The Birth of Democracy
Athens Located on one of the least fertile parts of Greece, Athenians turned to the sea to trade goods They built their city inland in order to protect it from pirates and invaders Athens was a typical polis built around the rocky hill of the Acropolis In times of war the people took refuge inside the walls of the city
The Walls of Athens
Society Citizens were top in society, they might be aristocrats or poor farmers, only men had political rights Females could not vote or hold political office {Metics Free non citizens born outside of Athens They worked as merchants or artisans they were free and paid taxes like the citizens} They could not take part in government or own land As always slaves were at the bottom these were people captured in war
Early Government After Athens Monarchy ended the city-state had an aristocratic government Only citizens who owned land held office All adult male citizens, however, met at assembly They elected generals in times of war They also elected nine {Archons a ruler elected to rule for one year} {Draco is a Archon believed to have written Athens first law code} The law code was considered very harsh
Solon Was a Archon in Athens in 594 BC He noticed more poor selling them selves into slavery over debt He erased the debt of the poor and outlawed slavery in payment of debt He also divided the citizens into 4 groups The two richest could hold public office All citizens could sit in assembly and the assembly elected those officials
Democracy {Cleisthenes seized power in Athens and created a direct democracy all citizens participated directly in making decisions} He divided the Athens citizens into 10 tribes Each tribe chose 50 men to form the council of 500 Members served one year and could not be chosen twice
Continued The council proposed laws to the assembly Athens courts also became more democratic Each man could plea his own case Jurors voted on a secret ballot {Juries were chosen by lot not Nobles} This was a direct democracy Present day democracies like the U.S. use representative democracy in which we elect representatives to govern for us
Section Review Who were The conquered people of Peloponnesus forced to work for the new invaders? Who made sure the king stayed within the law? What city state made sure their women had physical training? Who wrote the first Athenian law code?
The End? Section 4 Daily life of Athens