Goal A media literacy program must teach citizens the critical thinking tools they will need in the world. A media literacy program must teach citizens the critical thinking tools they will need in the world. Your challenge is to produce a website that educators can utilize as they teach his/her media literacy class. Your challenge is to produce a website that educators can utilize as they teach his/her media literacy class.
The term global citizen has been proposed. What does ‘global’ mean in Global Citizen? Global could mean: Planetary – a world citizen (presumptuous) Well-rounded or widely read. Someone who is holistic in his/her appreciation of the world and the people in it Adaptable (like a travel plug) – someone who could fit into various positions, locations, countries and cultures
Mission Statement Using information and media awareness strategies, this media literacy program aims to produce a responsible, globally aware person. Adopting the characteristics Oxfam attributes to a global citizen, this media program seeks to produce a person who: is aware of the world and his/her place in it. appreciates diversity. understands how the world works. o Socially, culturally, politically, economically, technologically, environmentally recognizes social injustice. contributes to the local & global communities. is willing to act and be responsible for those actions.
Mission Statement (Continued) Toward that end, we offer the following media literacy curriculum complete with suggested readings and multi- media material, general discussion points, and exercises for review, adaptation and/or implementation.
Media Literacy Goals (From Seminar Day 1) To teach: Access Understand Analyze Evaluate Produce media/production of media
Media Literacy Curriculum Teaching Modules Using the general media literacy goals as teaching modules we will construct a media literacy website with the following headings: Access Awareness (Understand) Assessment (Analyze/Evaluate) Appreciation (Understand) Action (Produce)
Access Examples: Personal Governmental (including legal) Societal Technological Too much/None
Awareness Examples: Self Others Inequalities Indoctrination (Social/Religious/Political)
Assessment Examples: Context Uses/Benefits Analysis/Evaluation Skepticism
Appreciation Examples: Culture (taboos) Society Politics Media Systems
Action Examples: Media Production Message Construction/Deconstruction Audiences (public, government, corporate, grass roots)
Conclusion Fringe Thinking Use my media Interactivity Personalize Keep me engaged