Serrano Back to School Night
Mrs. Phillips-Ryan Life Science Contact Information Phone: (949) Website: http//:
Goals Science is a creative process. Project Based Inquiry: aligns with NGSS Focus not just on what we know but how we know.
How to Help Your Child be Successful in Science Check the Planner for daily assignments, tests and project due dates. Look at your child’s Science Spiral. Check grades online. Check my web site for current assignments.
Grades Online Grades will be posted online about every 2 weeks. A zero indicates a late or missing assignment.
Interactive Science Notebook All papers should be complete and in the correct order. We glue everything in notebook.
How to Access my Haiku page Go to Staff Web Pages. Choose Serrano Intermediate and click on Phillips-Ryan. This should redirect to my Haiku page. You will find: 1. Upcoming Assignments & Calendar 2. Chapter resources: notes & documents 3. Science Links – web resources 4. Wish List
Absences and Late Work Call Study Buddy Look at my web site for assignments Get papers in Absent Work Files Late Work 20 % reduction in score for each day late
Common Core Transition year – writing science framework Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking & Creativity Focus on Vocabulary Development, Reading & Writing strategies in science Orange County Dept. of Education
We love guest speakers! Check the wish list on my web site. Please visit anytime!