Welcome to Back to School Night Teacher: Dessy Dimova
Topics covered in Honors Biology… First Semester Biochemistry Cell Maintenance/ Transport Energy Transformation Gene expression Second Semester Gene Expression Cell Division Genetics Evolution Ecology Plant & Animal Diversity
Textbook Miller & Levine. Biology
Grading Policy Tests Labs with Lab Reports Homework Quizzes
Grading Scale A 92-85B 84-75C 74-70D Below 69F
Make-Up Work 2 days for each day of absence unless other arrangements have been made Missing class = missing 80 minutes of instructional time!
Extra Help 2:00-3:30 Wednesday after school and most days 2:00 - 2:30 (late bus 3:15) I am willing to do what is needed for the success of your child!
Contact Information Phone: x Web Page:
Thank you for taking the time to be here tonight!