Paul Maassen |independent civil society coordinator | skype: maassenpaul | Wider and Closer IV: Open government in Southeast Europe and implications for EU enlargement prospects Brussels, 17 October 2013
A multi-stakeholder initiative through which governments make concrete commitments to: Promote transparency Empower citizens Fight corruption Harness new technologies to strengthen governance Independent Civil Society Coordinator web: | | skype: maassenpaul | The basics of OGP
Independent Civil Society Coordinator Citizen at heart of OGP concept Original idea: Build upon open government momentum to push agenda on transparency, accountability and citizen engagement Eligibility: Basic protection for civil liberties and citizen engagement Governance: Equal power governments and civil society Process: Broad consultation with citizens, civil society, private sector to develop national Action Plan Plan: Country commitment to their citizenry Goal: more open government and society; restore trust citizen - state web: | | skype: maassenpaul |
OGP is a genuine partnership of government and civil society at all levels Governments, civil society, and the private sector come together to learn from each other, partner, and innovate Countries develop action plans with concrete ‘stretch’ commitments and firm timelines Independent reporting to promote accountability Independent Civil Society Coordinator web: | | skype: maassenpaul | What makes OGP different
Eligibility to Join OGP Governments must exhibit a demonstrated commitment to open government in four key areas, as measured by objective indicators and validated by independent experts. Budget Transparency Measured by the Open Budget Index 2012 (100 country survey) Access to Information Measured by Right2Info’s database of FOI laws and constitutional provisions for access to information Asset Disclosure Measured by the World Bank’s Public Officials Asset Disclosure database Citizen Engagement Measured by the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Democracy Index 2012 Independent Civil Society Coordinator web: | | skype: maassenpaul |
Independent Civil Society Coordinator web: | | skype: maassenpaul | OGP in Europe
Independent Civil Society Coordinator Grand challenges addressed Increasing Public Integrity527 Improving Public Services278 More Effectively Managing Public Resources202 Increasing Corporate Accountability19 Creating Safer Communities16 Global Integrity Analysis (August 2013) web: | | skype: maassenpaul |
The US, Ukraine and Colombia agreed to join the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). Brazil, Montenegro and Croatia have all passed Freedom of Information laws. Uruguay, Israel, Italy, Jordan and Colombia introduced prizes for the best private sector or government agency use of open data. Independent Civil Society Coordinator web: | | skype: maassenpaul | Initial OGP success stories
Independent Civil Society Coordinator Civil Society experiences Campaigning for membership Setting standards and benchmarks Defining priorities and Action Plan Co-governance national OGP platform Providing expertise and co-implementing Monitoring & watchdog web: | | skype: maassenpaul |
Paul Maassen skype: maassenpaul Thank you