{ Back to School Night ~ Upper Campus ~ August 27, 2015
{ ACS Discipline a school-wide approach to forming positive behavior patterns
Students are expected to adhere to the dress code at all times while they are on school grounds or at any school function. Audubon Charter School administrators and staff ask parents to support all decisions by school staff regarding whether or not clothing is appropriate or inappropriate for school. Dress Code Policy
Review of handouts regarding the ACS Dress Code Policy Pages Dress Code Policy Cont’d…
At the Upper School, cell phones and other electronic devices (IPods, MP3 players, etc.) must be turned off and kept out of sight when a student enters campus and throughout the school day. Students are not allowed to have cell phones on their person during the school day. Cell phones must be turned off and locked in student’s lockers (middle school students) or secured by a staff member. Cell phones may only be turned on and used after the student has exited the building. Gaming devices are NOT allowed. The exception to this policy is with teacher authorization and teacher supervision. Students attending afterschool programming (athletics, arts reach, charter care, etc.) may not use cell phones until dismissed from their programming. Using cell phones to take pictures and/or send text messages is NOT allowed at any time on campus or at school functions without permission. Cell Phone Policy
1st Offense Students who use their cell phones, IPODS, MP3 players, gaming devices, etc. will have their electronics confiscated and turned in to the office. Phone will be returned to the parent only. Parent must make an appointment and have a conference to retrieve device. 2nd Offense Students who use their cell phones, IPODS, MP3 players, gaming devices, etc. will have their electronics confiscated for 30 calendar days. Phone will be returned to parent only. Parent must make an appointment to retrieve device. 3rd Offense Students who use their cell phones, IPODS, MP3 players, gaming devices, etc. will have their electronics confiscated for 9 weeks. Confiscated items will be released to the parent ONLY. Students are prohibited from taking videos, pictures, voice recordings etc. at school and school-related activities and posting them on the internet (YouTube, Facebook, My Space, Twitter, etc.). Such activity will result in consequences relative to Class II or Class III behaviors for all students involved. Cell Phone Policy cont’d…
Equality Consistency Accountability Documentation Support What do Parents, Students and Staff Need?
All teachers are responsible for documenting and tracking Class 1 Behaviors and discipline under “Classroom Management” using the weekly conduct card tracking document. daily tracking (in-class) weekly reporting (school-wide) monthly review (team meetings) school-wide approach ease of access/use positive behavior support Teacher Accountability
All students will be responsible for keeping and maintaining their monthly conduct card. If a student loses her/his card, lanyard or identification card, cost will be attached. weekly parent updates Student Independence Consequence Rewards Student Accountability
issued monthly initialed weekly in class vs. school-wide fresh start system First Offense (5 marks/week): lunch and recess detention the following day AND parents notified Second Offense (10 marks/month): after school detention AND parents notified Third Offense (15 marks/month): discipline referral for SAT meeting AND after school detention Documentation
school-wide student and staff implementation supports consistency ongoing parent communication and collaboration student development sessions (week 1 is crucial) leading to greater independence, maturity and privacy. tracking behavior allows Audubon to identify student concerns and offer positive feedback and rewards. uniform hall pass provides a safer and more productive school. identification badge is an essential safety guideline. Support
Q & A Support