Welcome to Back to School Night at Harper Park 8th Grade Physical Science Mrs. Bangert Room A7 Check to make sure parents are in the right location. Ask them to sign in before or after presentation.
Introduction Former Fairfax County science teacher Seventh year at Harper Park Live in Leesburg with my husband and 3 sons Philosophy: Science should be fun with as much hands on learning as possible! 3 boys JMU, Heritage and 1 here at Harper
What is Physical Science? Thermal Energy (Heat) Transverse Waves (Light) Nuclear Scientific Method and Lab Safety Force and Motion Energy Matter Magnetism Electricity Waves and Sound Physics is not required to graduate from high school. Students may choose to take AP Biology or AP Chemistry in its’ place. May possibly be the last time some students are exposed to this material. Work and Power Simple Machines Newton’s Laws of Motion Atomic Structure Periodic Table Chemical Bonds Acids and Bases
Grading All assignments are graded on a point scale Grades are determined through points earned divided by points possible Quizzes, tests and labs are worth more points in relation to daily work, homework, and projects Interims will NOT be sent home in the middle of each quarter as an update for parents The Phoenix portal should be available soon. Phoenix marks: No Grade- Means I haven’t graded the assignment yet Z- Student did not turn in assignment X- Student is exempt from the assignment ---------------------- F= Formative S= Summative
A Typical Day In Science Warm- Up to review previous work or create interest for the new topic of the day Review and discuss warm ups and homework Demonstration/Hands on activity for students Introduction of the new topic Complete labs and activities Summarize and draw conclusions Homework assigned ( often started) to reinforce the objectives of the day or week Students may receive additional help before or after school and during resource. Students are required to make up work and get notes if absent.
State Testing/SOLs 8th grade science test actually covers sixth, seventh, and eighth grade material Testing will be in May- specific dates will be provided ASAP Please avoid planning an early vacation and doctors appointments on those days Students can take practice tests online: http://education.jlab.org/solquiz/sci8/question.php?94551 846 http://www.doe.virginia.gov/testing/sol/released_tests/in dex.shtml
Contact information email phone Bridget.Bangert@lcps.org Cell-571-246-1332 Please allow 24 hours for us to return your email. Harper Park- 571-252- 2820 When you call the school, please leave enough detail in your message so that I am prepared to answer your questions when I return your call.
Help at Home School website- Staff- Bangert- Assignment Calendar http://www.lcps.org/hpms Khan Academy- http://www.khanacademy.org/#physics http://edtech.kennesaw.edu/physicalscience/physicalscienc einteractivesites.htm Students should always check their text and reread the corresponding section.
STEM: Science Technology, Engineering, Mathematics STEM: Good Jobs Now and for the Future, by Commerce’s Economics and Statistics Administration, shows that growth in STEM jobs has been three times greater than that of non-STEM jobs over the last 10 years. And throughout the next decade, STEM occupations are projected to grow by 17 percent, compared to 9.8-percent growth for other occupations. July 14, 2011