’High quality sources for complex ions’ 4 th Annual LEIF Meeting Belfast, July 1, 2003 Coordinator: Henrik Cederquist, Physics Department, Stockholm University JRA1: Sources for complex ions and control of the internal energy NewLEIF Joint Research Activity 1: Deputy coordinator: Preben Hvelplund, AarhusUniversity CaenBelfastGroningen Giessen Freiburg Frankfurt Stockholm Aarhus Rehovot Innsbruck Debrecen Heidelberg
H e - For example H 3 + is important in interstellar chemistry Dielectronic recombination rates measured with rotationally cold molecules in CRYRING B.J. McCall et al, Nature 422, 500 (April 2003)
Interconnection to other parts of NewLeif: Network activities ( 7 task committees) Central – NewLEIF Management Joint Research Projects ( 5 task committees) Transnational Access (KG Rensfelt, 1 task committee) Distributed large scale facility (DLSF) (CEA/UAAR/SU/MPIK/QUB) JRA 5: Techniques for nanostructuring insulator surfaces (HP. Winter) JRA 3: Complex and cold (biomolecular) targets (R. Morgenstern) JRA 1: High-quality sources for complex ions (H. Cederquist) JRA 2: Advanced low-energy ion beam technologies R.W McCullough) JRA 4: Multi-coincidence detectors (J. Ullrich/A. Dorn) Remote participation (R. Trassl) Dissemination / Public relations (T.J.M. Zouros) Collaborations and Exchange (P. Hvelplund) Field monitoring (N. Stolterfoht) Quality club (H. Lebius) Young Scientist Forum (J. Greenwood) Management of NewLEIF (B.A.Huber) Scientific Council User Committee Beam Distr. Committee NewLEIF-Govern. board Steering Committee
Mutual dependencies and connections to JRA’s 2-5:
JRA1: Sources for complex ions and control of the internal energy ’The main scientific aim of the JRA1 project is to develop intense sources of low energy beams of more complex ions with controlled internal energies.’ Molecular ions with few atoms Cluster ions Biomolecular ions Types of ions: Temperature control and manipulation: Direct production of cold ions in sources Interactions with heat baths Storage in cold environments Objectives (quotes from the NewLEIF application):
’Additional central themes are the development of methods to use existing sources for highly charged atomic ions to produce intense, multiply charged, cluster beams and improved designs of versatile and compact cluster sources (low charge states) with properties suitable for fundamental research and industrial applications such as depositions of (chemically well-defined) nanoparticles on surfaces.’ NewLEIF Joint Research Activity 1: Possible application: Nanostructuring, miniaturisation of electronics Objectives (quotes from the NewLEIF application): ’...ion beam deposition of antimicrobial and antiobiotic agents, designed to reduce infections and provide localised drug release, on medical implant devices’ Possible application: In practical surgery and medicin
NewLEIF Joint Research Activity 1: We plan to reach our goals through four interdependent tasks: Task A: Developments of new state-of-the-art ion source technologies and beam handling systems for intense, cold, mass selected, cluster and molecular ion beams in low charge states for scientific and industrial use. Task B: Developments of novel methods to produce multiply charged molecular and cluster ions at low temperatures. Task C: Developments of effective and versatile sources and methods for production of intense bio-molecular ion beams. Task D: Develop and adapt electrostatic storage devices for precise controls of internal temperatures and excitations of clusters, molecules, and atomic ions.
The Tasks A-D are scientifically driven as they provide: - Molecular ions in well defined quantum mechanical states. Interactions of interest from fundamental, astrophysical, and atmospheric points of view involve ion-ion and ion-neutral collisions, collisions with free electrons and interactions with photons. - Mass selected clusters with better controlled (lower) internal excitations to study cluster stability, relaxation, fragmentation, including the competition between different decay pathways, and cluster-cluster interactions. - Biomolecular ions: intense beams will make new classes of fragmentation experiments feasible.
The Tasks A-D are driven by anticipated future application in: - Depositions of nanoparticles with well characterised chemical compositions on different substrates for production of, e.g., nanoelectronic devices. - Depositions of biomaterial on different surfaces including medical implant devices.
Tasks A-D develop essential new technologies for upgrading existing infrastructures: - Portable, intense, stable cluster ion sources to be used at different infrastructures. - A general facility for experiments with mass selected cluster beams. The clusters may be formed in sufficient quantities and at reasonable costs for a large variety of species and isotopes. - New types of bio-molecular ions for experiments in, e.g., electrostatic storage devices. - Storage of molecular ions in well defined quantum states in an ultracold environment. - Collision experiments with positive and negative (complex) ions at very low velocities.
Preliminary JRA1 organization: Cluster sources Highly charged molecules Biomolecular ions Storage and Cooling
CEA (1) A Develop intense sources for charged clusters and a beam line for mass-selected clusters ; Delivering cluster beams to user groups ; Transfer of improved know-how to industry BDevelop sources and finding ECR-running modes for efficient production of beams of multiply charged clusters QUB (2) C Production of beams of complex antimicrobial and antiobiotic species using pin-hole sources, electrospray ionisation, or MALDI techniques. Depositions on medical device materials. 48 KVI (3) C High-intensity electrospray ion sources for biomolecules and tests of new ion source concepts (micro discharges); Comparisons with production of biomolecular ion beams using the MALDI technique. 62 MPIK (4) D Establish optimised ion extraction techniques from an electrostatic ion trap Fragmentation studies on vibrationally relaxed HD + ions using high-power femtosecond laser pulses JRA1 participants in Tasks A-D: Particip.TaskContributions Man Months Ganil Belfast Groningen Heidelberg
SU (6) BDevelop sources and finding ECR-running modes for efficient production of beams of multiply charged clusters. 9.6 D Integrating sources for cold ions with electrostatic storage devices Small traps and double electrostatic storage rings. Delivering beams to user groups. 90 UAAR (8) BDevelop sources and finding ECR-running modes for efficient production of beams of multiply charged clusters. 36 CHigh-intensity electrospray ion sources for biomolecules and tests of new ion source concepts (micro discharges) 60 DOptimisation of an RF-trap to accumulate and cool down biomolecular and cluster ions for investigations of temperature dependent relaxation phenomena and collisional destruction in ELISA. Development of electrostatic storage ring devices. 48 JLU (9) B Defining ECR running modes for efficient production of beams of multiply charged molecular ions: investigations of the role of different magnet configurations and HF couplings, characterisation of the electronic states of molecular ions 60 CCollaboration with Belfast on deposition of antimicrobial/antibiotic species deposition on medical device materials. 10 Stockholm Aarhus Giessen
UIBK (11) A Characterisation of the chemical composition of nanoparticles formed by magnetron sputtering of silicon and various metals such as Al, Cu, Ni, Co, Ti, and Fe using a mass spectrometer with a resolution of UFR (15) A Develop intense sources for charged clusters and a beam line for mass-selected clusters; Use expertise on magnetron cluster sources to develop new state-of-the art smaller scale and more efficient sources also for transportation between different network partners. Depositions of thin films for prototype industrial processes; Transfer of improved know-how to industry WIS (16) AProduction of cold molecular ions by beam extraction from electrostatic ion storage devices 60 D Development of a new ion trap, in which the beam is crossed with an intense, low energy (5-100 eV) electron beam. Such a system allows for the studies of electron impact on molecular or cluster species with various internal degrees of excitation, to be probed via a pulsed MOPO laser. 60 Particip.TaskContributions Man Months Freiburg Insbruck Rehovot
ATOM KI (17) B Develop sources and finding ECR-running modes for efficient production of beams of multiply charged clusters. Specializing in the production of multiply charged endohedral fullerene beams. 114 IKF (20) A Development and characterization of a new source concept for high current ion beams with excellent emittance using a high pressure (1- 10bar) plasma and a two-electrode pin hole micro structure (typical diameter <100 μm and electrode distance <100μm). Beams of singly charged molecular ions. 144 CAdaption of the pin-hole source to the production of biomolecular ion beams 120 DDevelopment of electrostatic storage ring devices.90 Particip.TaskContributions Man Months Debrecen Frankfurt
DESIREE Double Electro- Static Ion Ring ExpEriment 1 m Double-walled vacuum vesselDouble-walled vacuum vessel –Outer tank 300K - Inner tank 15K –Cooling by cryogenerators Expected vacuum in inner partExpected vacuum in inner part –300 K: < mbar –15 K: Density reduced by order(s) of magnitude Ion sources: Plasma Ion Sources Sputter Source (Negative Ions) ESI Source (Biomolecules) ECRIS (Highly Charged Ions) New NewLEIF sources!!!