Welcome to Back to School Night! September 17, 2013 Mrs. Ortega 1 st Grade Room 208
What is Back to School Night? Back to school night will introduce you to: ▫your student's classroom ▫teacher's expectations for you and your student ▫allows you to see where your child will be spending their time throughout the school year. ▫It is not; however, a time for a parent conference.
First Grade Schedule: (8:35-10:05) READING Basal Program: Lead 21 ▫ Whole Group Interactive Reading ▫Phonemic Awareness ▫Fluency ▫Theme ▫Oral Language ▫Vocabulary ▫Previewing/Predicting/Setting Purposes ▫Reading Together ▫Phonics ▫High Frequency Words Small Reading Groups ▫Differentiated Readers ▫Differentiated Vocabulary Differentiated Centers ▫Phonics, vocabulary/comprehension, sight word/fluency, grammar
First Grade Schedule: (8:35-10:05) READING Daily 5
First Grade Schedule: (10:05-10:40) WRITING Technology Integration (according to the CCSS) Captain Write Teaches the structure of Writing Encourages thoughtful Writing
First Grade Schedule: (10:40-10:50) RECESS/SNACK So far snack breaks have been a success! Examples of snacks: (No candy please)
First Grade Schedule: (10:55-11:25) Intervention Students will work 30 minutes in small group at their instructional level. ▫Reading: Monday, Wednesday and Friday ▫Math: Tuesday and Thursday
Each day students go to a different special. Mondays & Fridays - PE (Mr. O’Neil) Tuesdays–Technology (Ms. Tiller) Wednesday- Science (Ms. Koebcke) Thursdays- Spanish (Ms. Rodriguez) First Grade Schedule: (11:30-12:20) SPECIALS
First Grade Schedule: (12:30-1:10) LUNCH Students are now having lunch in the cafeteria. They are allotted 20 minutes to eat and 20 minutes outside at recess.
First Grade Schedule: (11:15 – 12:45pm) MATH Number Talks ▫10-15 minutes devoted to students sharing their thinking on how they solved various problems. Basal Program: Investigations ▫Hands-on program that allows students to explore various mathematical concepts through “investigations”. Math Journals ▫Used to record important information
First Grade Schedule: (2:30-3:00) AR All students have been tested (STAR) and have been matched accordingly to a shark level. Currently, students in our classroom range from the Cookie Cutter Level to the Mako Level. During AR, students read a book of their choice on their instructional level. Once a student feels he/she knows everything about the book, the student may decide to take a test. This test is a 5 or 10 question quiz asking students to comprehend the book. Students are not allowed to look back in the story for any reason during the test. Each shark level has different requirements for graduating. Students must complete these requirements before moving onto more complex texts.
EXPECTATIONS For students & parents: Open Communication I am always available – please do not hesitate to contact me if you ever have a question/comment/concern Maintain a safe and positive environment Give your 100%, 100% of the time Class Dojo- Please make sure you have signed up for a Parent Account!