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Kindergarten Sneak A’ Peek Family Involvement Programs Newsletters/Journeys Home Letter Student Assessments Social Media
Family Involvement Programs Family Reading Night Family Movie Night Math, Science, & Technology Night Guiding Parents Through Guided Reading Concerts, Field Trips, Class Events & More!!!!
Newsletters/Journeys Home Letter
Purpose 1.Substantiation (report cards). 2.Informing/refining instruction. 3.Parent communication and partnership.
Unit Tests
Basic Skills OG/Wilson Support & Mentoring (TSI) Acceleration I&RS Team CST
WHY???? Kindergarten is where children learn to read. Formal instruction in learning how to read begins now, where it had once been in 1st grade. Since 1998 there has been an increased emphasis on literacy instruction in kindergarten. Kindergarten teachers reported devoting 75% more time to teaching literacy than 10 years ago. Real, authentic learning is taking place each and every day. Missing school can have grave consequences.
Chronic absent = 18+ days per school year. ALL children who are chronically absent in kindergarten had weaker reading skills in 1st grade. Further analysis of these students through 5th grade test scores showed the ill effects of early chronic absenteeism still lingered. Tardiness/ Being Late Children must be at school by 8:50 AM. Drop off time is between 8:40 and 8:50 When children are late they miss vital instruction, morning work, and morning routines. Set a regular bed time and morning routine.