Natural Antimicrobials Cinnamon Cumin Green Tea Oleupurin (olive extract) Turmeric Coleus Oil
Triclosan Developed in 1972 Kills bacteria by inhibiting synthesis of fatty acids for cell walls
Increased Use of Triclosan Found in 36 products in 1975 Present in 700+ products in 2010 1 billion/yr industry Soaps, toothpaste, lockers, razors, lip balm, sandals, deodorant, children’s toys
Overuse? Can hasten the development of drug-resistant strains of bacteria Shown to cause abnormal weight loss, brain tumors and irregular limb growth in amphibians One of most common contaminants in river water Stored in mammalian fat
Assessing the Relative Efficacy of Triclosan-based Antimicrobials Purpose: To determine the relative efficacy of Triclosan v. Non-Triclosan-based antimicrobials in inhibiting the growth of bacterial present on human skin Method: Your task is to design a valid protocol for the assessment of this question in a controlled fashion with minimal confounding variables
Available Materials Antimicrobials Triclosan Handsoap Non-triclosan handsoap Alcohol-based sanitizer Clorox sanitary wipes (ammonium chloride based) Hydrogen Peroxide Concentrated salt water Pure Water Nutrient agar culturing dishes (2 per group) Sterile cotton swabs Forceps Probes Hole Punches Paper Towels Goggles Incubators 25 C 37 C
Safety Precautions All members must wear goggles while at lab table Do not culture or use antimicrobials on any mucosal membranes, ear or eye tissues Dispose of all used cotton swabs in a lined garbage can