Back to School Virtual Shopping List By Lynne I. Brown - Principal
First Things Frist Create A Productive Home Learning Environment
The Basics Computer Internet Provider Pens, pencils, and highlighters Notecards and Post-it® Notes File folders and/or pocket folders Notebooks, loose-leaf paper, graph paper Ruler, tape, scissors Printer, printer paper, and printer ink cartridges
Organizational Items Inexpensive, stackable file racks that you can label for each subject (makes storing and locating materials easy) A monitor stand that allows the computer keyboard to slide out of the way Whiteboard/magnetic board/corkboard Desk organizer Bookshelves/storage bins/crates A sturdy 3-hole punch (so you can keep everything organized in binders) A jump/flash drive or CD-ROMs to store past assignments and lessons
Creative Items (not required) Construction paper, card stock, markers, colored pencils, glitter, and other art supplies Decorative Post-it® Notes or notecards for making special notes Clear overhead projector sheets and wipe-off markers Old magazines that have lots of pictures (great for art projects) Laminate workbook pages so your student can complete the same problems repeatedly Fun, novelty items your child enjoys using: decorative erasers, stickers, brightly colored pens, pencils, highlighters, markers, Sharpie® markers, etc. Themed binder/notebook labels Brightly colored duct tape to cover binders (makes them durable and fun!)
The Key to Success Organization
“The Journey is the Reward” - Chinese Proverb