* Mrs. Van Osdel* Mrs. Kessler * Mrs. Gramil* Mrs. Hammond * Mr. McCray* Mrs. Mathis * Ms. Bush* Ms.Von Garlem * Mrs. DeRemigis-G/T * Mrs. Darchicourt - Reading Specialist
math content related arts vocab recess/lunch reading writing/ LA chorus band/strings SOAR Club
S – Safe O – Organized A – Always Respectful R - Responsible
Students will begin the day with 5 points and every student should strive to stay on 5. Students will record their daily total in their take-home folder (primary) and agenda books (intermediate). SOAR Celebration Clubs will occur every 2 weeks. Teams will brainstorm ideas for Clubs with students and will offer minute rotations: active activity, quiet activity, arts and crafts, movie, etc. Possible ideas include: read with a flashlight, dance party, bring in a board game, arts & crafts, drawing, etc. To attend the Clubs, students will need 80% of the total possible points. If you’re interested in donating supplies or assisting with Clubs, please contact your child’s teacher.
If a student is not following the SOAR expectations, teachers/staff members will: 1. Verbal Warning 2. Conference with the teacher 3. Stop, Think, and Reflect 4. One point will be subtracted from the total Students who earn less than 80% of the points will attend “Reflectors” where they will review SOAR expectations and complete a Reflectors Form.
SOAR tickets will continue to be passed out to students. ✎ Tickets will be used as a spotlight to highlight specific student behaviors. Two students’ names from every grade level will be randomly pulled on Monday mornings to be announced on the a.m. announcements. Students who are picked will have their picture taken with Ms. Bowen to be displayed on the SOAR Hall of Fame bulletin board. Students will also pick a prize.
The standards are the result of a national movement to provide an equitable, coherent, focused, and rigorous curriculum. The standards will enable our students to be college and career ready in order to compete globally.
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically. Attend to precision. Look for an make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Problem Solving and Application Place Value Addition/Subtraction Multiplication/Division Fractions Decimals Area/Perimeter Geometric lines and angles Grade 4
R/ELA.EEA.2012.©MSDE Key Shifts for English Language Arts The Common Core State Standards for Language Arts require an increased focus on – complex text close, analytic reading text-dependent questions text-based evidence balance of text types writing from sources academic vocabulary speaking & listening short, focused research integration of standards
Reading Standards Focus Literary Reading Summarizing theme story elements character traits setting & mood/tone Informational Reading main idea/supporting details text–based relationships application of content knowledge vocabulary Vocabulary text structure narrative point-of-view text comparison text features text structure point-of-view text comparison
Writing Standards Focus Opinion Writing organizational structure development of reasons use of language Informational Writing Narrative Writing organizational structure development of facts use of language narrative structure development of characters, setting, events use of language
UNITS OF STUDY Maryland: The First People Maryland: From Settlement to State Maryland: Growth and Change Modern Maryland presentation-based language arts integration
Through hands-on experiments, models, demonstrations, and readings, students will explore… Energy Waves Shaping The Earth Structure, Function, and Information
timing content agenda book tips for success
We will… send home samples of student work share important class-based, team- based, and school- based notices Students should… bring home papers at the end of every day/ week give papers to parents return folder and any signed papers to school the next day and place folder in file Parents should… review, sign, and/ or fill out important papers have child put folder in book bag for return daily
Online booking of conferences Online booking of conferences End of Quarter 1 and end of Quarter 2 End of Quarter 1 and end of Quarter 2 November January November January reading conferences math conferences for reading conferences math conferences for for all students non-G/T Math students for all students non-G/T Math students math conferences for math conferences for G/T Math students G/T Math students Information forthcoming as conference time nears Information forthcoming as conference time nears
Read – especially non-fiction! Read – especially non-fiction! Provide a routine. Provide a routine. Praise and reward effort as well as academic performance. Praise and reward effort as well as academic performance. Allow opportunities for independence and self-reliance. Allow opportunities for independence and self-reliance. Encourage your child to set goals, create a plan to meet those goals, and evaluate progress towards the goals. Encourage your child to set goals, create a plan to meet those goals, and evaluate progress towards the goals. Review your child’s homework and graded classwork Review your child’s homework and graded classwork
HCPSS SMART Pages More information about the Common Core State Standards Specific grade level standards Optional activities you can do at home to support your student