Special Educational Needs Jenny Pearce – SEN Lead 12/13 and Principal Educational Psychologist
What actions are we taking?
Buckinghamshire SEN – Statements and Funding comparisons with Statistical Neighbours
Out of County Independent Schools – Actual Spend FYs 2010/12 & estimated 2012/13
SEN Review (2011) Lind Associates Ten Recommendations being implemented
1) Refresh the SEN strategy as a joint agency strategy that is a working document relevant to and used by all stakeholders Draft SEN Strategy developed Wide consultation implemented - primary focus on gaining agreed principles to surround SEN Consultation ends March 13 SEN Board implemented. Purpose - to provide governance to all SEN developments. Wide stakeholder representation SEN Workshop arranged for March 13. Purpose - to consult with stakeholders re next Action Plans for SEN April 13/14
2) Review Statutory Assessment processes and guidance New STAFA panel developed to review all requests for statutory assessments and High Needs funding. Implementation April 13 More robust use of data with FAP panel Pre-screening of requests with support for schools implemented
3) Undertake greater scrutiny of provision written into statements New Provision Panel developed to review provision written into statements and agree placements. Implementation April 13 Robust challenge processes used as interim measure - April 12-13
4) Take urgent action to meet statutory deadlines for the completion of statements Detailed investigation of all SEN processes which contribute to this National Indicator Robust monitoring processes and new SEN Admin procedures implemented August 2012 Evidence of success: Aug 12Sep 12Oct 12Nov 12Dec 12Jan 13 16%53%61%74%60%74%
5) Develop a more robust response to SENDIST appeals Virtual Tribunal team developed External contract in place to defend up to 20 tribunals per year Agreed processes for defence by Cc professionals Up to date training for all Cc professionals in Tribunal representation Appropriate cases being defended robustly
6) Address the organisation of SEN funding through radical change to the way funds are allocated Increased delegation of SEN funding to mainstream agreed Funding for SEN has been uncoupled from statements in mainstream SEN Funding for Special Schools has been remodelled to reflect the required School funding formula changes SEN Funding for ARPs has been remodelled to reflect the required School Funding formula changes Implementation as part of the School funding formula changes-April 13
7) Develop a greater awareness among stakeholders of the need for cost-effective resource management Robust monitoring processes for all Statutory assessment request in place Monthly monitoring and investigation of SEN data and targets embedded in teams Analysis of statistical neighbours comparisons for SEN complete Data and Finance presentation complete for SEN Stakeholder conference and SEN Board Standing item on SEN Board focused on SEN Finance Finance data shared with parental groups
8) Develop provision within county for pupils with ASD and BESD to reduce the reliance on independent and non-maintained special provision Kite Ridge PRU open and providing support to nine pupils with severe ASD and BESD DfE Re-designation process of three Special Schools and Kite Ridge PRU to supporting inclusion of more children in Buckinghamshire with ASD complete DfE Re-designation process of Chiltern Way Federation to accommodate girls with BESD and students with the most severe BESD in county complete Scoping for BESD Traded Service complete
9) Further improve relationships with service users Parental/school/social care/health representative active participants in SEN Board and Action plans Regular attendance at FACT Bucks meetings by SEN lead and other managers SEN items on all Leadership Briefings SEN items on Spring Area HT meetings SEN items taken to Bucks Association of Secondary Heads SEN Workshop in March for wide range of SEN partners Regular meetings posted in Schools Bulletin for schools and governors
10) Improve data collection concerning ethnic monitoring and take action to investigate and address anomalies SEN Data cleansing implemented SEN Data collection processes scrutinized/updated Data action group active
Next Steps SEN Workshop - March 20 th 2013 Outcome: 13/14 SEN action plans based on stakeholder feedback and national and local priorities.