Aid Management Platform (AMP) Advanced User Training, Module Entering Activities
Topics Covered How do you create a new activity? What kind of information is collected? How do you edit an activity?
Project Data Entry / Creation On the main page, click MY DESKTOP then click ADD ACTIVITY
Project Data Entry / Creation There are three mandatory fields that need to be filled in for saving a project: project title, status and sector information. Step 1
Project Data Entry / Creation Step 1 (cont’) Click on any of the above links to see sectors
Project Data Entry / Creation To get to this page, click Location, Sectors, National Programs Step 2 Now, add a sector(s)
Project Data Entry / Creation Select from the drop down list boxes the appropriate sector/subsectors Now click Add. You can add as many sectors as deemed necessary Step 2 (cont’)
Project Data Entry / Creation Click Save or Save as Draft
Implemented Projects Project funding (commitments, disbursement, expenditures) Funding sources, disbursements and expenditure per funding line
Implemented Projects Project related documents, issues and donor contact information can be filled out in the following steps. Implementing and executing agency can be specified on the related organizations step Paris survey information can be filled out per donor on the Paris Indicators steps Issues Executing and Implementing partners Attach project documents, agreements to the project
Implemented Projects When a project begins, the funding, components and monitoring / progress data can be added Funding sources and disbursements and expenditure per funding line
Implemented Projects When a project begins, the funding, components and monitoring / progress data can be added Progress reported per global and project specific indicators (baseline, current and target)
Edit an Activity Click on the link to the activity Open an activity from the Desktop tab Once you open the activity you can Edit or preview. Click on the edit icon to edit
Edit an Activity Click Save or Save as Draft
Activity Validation Team Leaders Manage access to the team Configure team settings Approve data changes Publish public reports Team Members Enter data Manage projects Create reports Assess project/program impact Activity validation is done by the Team leaders of workspaces to ensure the accuracy of the data entry Projects entered by Team Leaders are validated by default.
Government Validated Projects Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Line Ministries Un-validated AMP Donor Agency 1 Donor Agency 2 …. NGOs 1 1.MOFED team members enter project related data 2.MOFED team leader validates project data 3.Line ministries can access/create reports relevant projects (i.e. Health projects for the Ministry of Health) 4.Donors can be given restricted access to create reports on their activities 5.Reporting access can be given to any AMP / workspace member 2 3 internet LAN or NGOs Online reporting module 4 AMP Data Management Process
Activity Stages *New Draft - Project entered for the first time and saved as draft. Project title appears red with a star in tabs and reports. *New Un-Validated – Project entered for the first time and saved as final version. Project title appears green with a star in tabs and reports indicating project is awaiting approval Validated - Project entered and validated by team member Project title appears a a blue link in tabs and in black in reports Existing Draft - Project saved as final version at least once. This can be pre or post validation. Project title appears red with no star in tab and reports. Existing Un-Validated – Project has been validated at least once by the TL Project title appears green with no star in reports and tabs
Activity Stages * New Draft *New Un-validated Existing Draft Validated Hover over Show legend to Get the explanation of the various stages Existing Un-Validated
Workspace and Validation Workflow Donors / other review their activities validated OUTPUTS ODA Reports Donor Profiles Budget Preparation Reports (MTEF) Analytical Reports Routine reports Adhoc Reports Ministry of Finance and Economic Development enters initial data set Line Ministries review and edit their profiles