Chapter 6 Exercises Click on Left mouse button to begin and advance the show. Questions are in red and answers are in black.
magister puerōs scrībere iubet The master orders the boys to write. colōnī in agrō manēre cōnstituunt. magister puerōs docēre nōn cupit. Scintilla orders Quintus to prepare dinner The women ought to warn Scintilla Scintilla Quīntum cēnam parāre iubet. The farmers decide to wait in the field. The master does not want to teach to boys. fēminae Scintillam monēre dēbent. exercises Translate the following:
cūr hortum nōn cūrās, Quīnte? Is he coming to school? Nōnne ad lūdum venīre cupis? Where is the house? Colōnusne in agrō labōrat? Why aren't you looking after the garden, Quintus? venitne ad lūdum? Don't you want to come to school? ubi casa est? Is the farmer working in the field? back to main