1 California Lutheran University Strategic Planning for
2 The Goal of Strategic Planning is Institutional Effectiveness Fulfill the mission of the University Prioritize and fund those initiatives that best contribute to the mission Communicate the process and status on a regular basis
3 Two Phases Covering a Ten Year Period Phase I Bridge Plan Phase II Strategic Plan (4 + 4)
– 2006 Bridge Plan California Lutheran University
Bridge Plan Primary Goals and Initiatives 1. Develop a New Strategic Plan ( ) 2. Clarify CLU’s Identity 3. Enhance Academic Quality 4. Complete and Implement Branding and Integrated Marketing Plan 5. Complete Facilities Construction 6. Increase Net Revenue from Operations 7. Expand Capacity for Growth, Program Support, and Performance Assurance
Strategic Plan California Lutheran University
7 The Process and Plan The Process – Credible – Inclusive – Engaging – Rigorous – Timely – Flexible – Ongoing The Plan – Bold – Motivational – Achievable – Prioritizes Actions – Measurable/ Quantifiable – Adaptable
8 The Participants Strategic Planning Steering Committee (SPSC) Faculty, staff and administrators Existing governance including Board of Regents External volunteer groups Alumni, students Ad hoc committees
9 Strategic Planning Steering Committee Charge: “To facilitate and lead the strategic planning process” President Luedtke, SPSC Chair and President of California Lutheran University Robert Allison, Vice President for Administration and Finance A. Joseph Everson, Interim Provost & Dean of Faculty Ritch Eich, Vice President for Marketing and Communications William Rosser, Vice President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students R. Stephen Wheatly, Vice President for University Advancement Guy Erwin, Faculty Chair Leanne Neilson, Associate Provost, Graduate & Adult Programs and Accreditation Julius Bianchi, Associate Provost for Information Systems and LINK Chair Darryl Calkins, Dean of Undergraduate Enrollment Melissa Maxwell-Doherty, Campus Pastor Millie Murray-Ward, Assistant Provost for Assessment Barbara Rex, Director of Budget and Management Analysis Cathy Stueve, Institutional Research Officer
Strategic Planning Process 10 Steps 1. Lay the foundation 2. Affirm mission, vision and core values 3. Complete situational analysis (SWOT) 4. Review and comment by internal and external constituents 5. Identify and frame strategic themes 6. Review and comment by internal and external constituents 7. Formulate strategic goals and write action plans 8. Conduct feasibility study 9. Review and adopt the strategic plan and link to budget 10. Evaluate and modify the plan
Strategic Planning Timeline
Essential Task Areas Framing the Institutional Context
Theme Development Participants