Skills for Life Support for World Class Skills
Reading is an important source of our daily work life, we use reading from the moment we start to the moment we end. Without reading we wouldnt be able to learn about our residents, there history or what needs we need to meet and how to improve our care. Below is some bulleting points on some examples of what we read at work; Policy and procedures Care plans Menus Routines Activity sheets Notice boards Fluid charts Skills for Life Support for World Class Skills
Writing we need as an essential at work. We use this to record information about our residents, to let other staff members know about our shifts and if there has been any problems. Care plans Menus Daily diary (where all staff look at beginning of shift) Fluid charts Accident reports Skills for Life Support for World Class Skills
Communication is the key to our home. Without communication we wouldnt be able to understand each other as staff, pass on important information e.g. how a resident has been at the end of the shift. Or even be able to speak to your residents how would we know if they are content? Or need help? Or anything?! Answering calls Hand over's Meetings and training courses Meeting and greeting visitors Speaking to health professionals Helping residents through the day Skills for Life Support for World Class Skills
Listening is another very important skill to have in any work place. We couldnt have hand over, or look after residents because we wouldnt know how to care for them, we also wouldnt know their individual needs or know their interests. Hand over Health care professionals Trainings and meetings Caring for residents Other members of staff Visitors Skills for Life Support for World Class Skills