Luxembourg January CORE ESSnet (COmmon Reference Environment) final meeting Carlo Vaccari Istat - Italy
Luxembourg January Outline CORE WPs and main results Meeting Agenda Future?
Luxembourg January CORA project Main results: Survey on existing software → SAB repository Architecture: – Two dimensions – Layered – Platform independent – GSBPM compliant Prototypes
Luxembourg January CORE workpackages WP1: Project management WP2: Design of the information model WP3: Generic interface design for interconnecting sub- processes WP4: Workflow solutions for process management WP5: Generic interface and scenario for.NET WP6: Generic interface and scenario for Java WP7: Project dissemination and cost reporting
Luxembourg January Meetings Meetings held: Kick-off - Luxembourg January 2011 Lisbon meeting – March 2011 Paris meeting – June 2011 Rome meeting October 2011 Final meeting in Luxembourg January 2012 workshop to present CORE results to Eurostat
Luxembourg January Workpackages dependencies
Luxembourg January CORE WP2 Information model (del 2.2) for the statistical process designed in accordance with these principles: Rectangular data sets: rows and columns Strong typing: each column one value type only and so a data set is (strongly) typed. Also rules and parameters are typed Data set Kinds: a type of channel, constrain the data sets that can be transferred (micro data, dimensional, classifications,...) Free-style arguments: like scripts Business objects: support to XML to model business objects outside CORE, such as the GSIM CORA requirements met by the m odel
Luxembourg January CORE WP3 Architecture: unique environment for: Designing Statistical processes in terms of abstract services Exchanged data and metadata Running Designed processes by invoking wrapped tools
Luxembourg January CORE WP3 CORE Data: Domain descriptor: meta-model with entities and entity properties CORE data model: Rectangular data set - Data set kind - Column kind Mapping model: mapping data to Domain Descriptor Integration API: making a tool a CORE service, translating inputs and outputs of the tool in a completely transparent and automatic way
Luxembourg January CORE WP4 Most important result: workflow tools evaluation Comparison based on these different axes: – Modeling : g raphical interface, model translation – Integration: communication technology, standards, user management, versioning, process repository, event driven work-flow, rules engine – Execution: monitoring, traceability – General : usability, manual/automatic steps, long running transaction
Luxembourg January CORE WP5 and WP6 These WPs provide a working solution that permits the automatic execution of selected GSBPM sub-processes starting from WP3 results WP5 provides an implementation in.NET while WP6 provides an implementation in Java. In the afternoon DEMO for two environments
Luxembourg January WP7: dissemination Web site and many presentations: NTTS Brussels February 2011: Istat MSIS Luxembourg 23 – 25 May 2011: Istat MeTTeg Camerino Italy 30 June – 1 July 2011: Istat SISAI Luxembourg 7 – 8 June: Istat Meeting organized by Senior Statistician of the Statistical Service of Greece, Crete July: UoA Working group for "Technology innovation" organized by the General Secretariat of Research&Technology, Greece, September: UoA METIS workshop Geneva 5 – 7 October 2011: CBS & SSB ITDG Luxembourg 18 – 19 October 2011: Istat ESSnet workshop Cologne, Germany 27 – 28 October: SSB HLG-BAS workshop Geneva 31 October – 1 November: Istat
Luxembourg January CORE WP7 - Costs Collection from Implementation library for Generic interface (WP3) and integration for the subprocesses in.NET (WP5) & Java (WP6) Integration Cost Reporting Categories to use: a) Data conversion, b) Service embedding and c) Integration API. Note that these three categories include time spent on design, build and test.
Luxembourg January Final meeting Agenda 9.30 – 10.00Opening (Eurostat) – 10.30CORE Project Introduction (Istat) –11.15CORE Model (CBS) – 12.00CORE Architecture (Istat) –12.45Workflow Solutions (Insee) – 14.00Lunch Break –15.30DEMO Session (Istat and CBS) – 16.30Open Discussion & Conclusions
Luxembourg January Final remarks Rich results in 13 months: requirements → general model → software Importance of work atmosphere Good cooperation between countries Big advancements in meetings: importance of presence → new tools like teleconference? Good cooperation with other groups: SAB, GSIM, HLG, MSIS Competences, skills and tools to be preserved Need sponsorship inside NSIs, in Eurostat and in other groups
Luxembourg January Future? CORE next steps: – environment tested in NSIs → generate requirements → implementation (industrialization) – Eurostat sponsorhip → industrialization → adoption Connections outside CORE: – HLG-BAS: more cooperation needed (sprints and...) – Mutual review with OCMINF on GSIM – SDMX integration (SDMX deliverable) – Support to SAB repository developments