Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa Cotonou, Benin May 2010 RAILS A Framework for Knowledge Management and Information Exchanges in Africa CORAF 2 nd Science Week and 9 th General Assembly Dady Demby
Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa RAILS Main objectives 1.Contribute to advocacy for increased investments in agricultural information & learning systems by the African governments and institutions 2.Improve the access and contribution by African ARD Stakeholders in the global knowledge sharing 3.Facilitate agricultural information systems synergies and learning between international and national research for development institutions 4.Build an African platform for agriculture information and learning system through consolidation of national to sub-regional to continental and global information systems
10/22/ Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa RAILS continental perspective North African subregion ASARECA CORAF/WECARD SADC-FANR CARDESA
10/22/ Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa RAILS continental perspective National focal point ASARECA: RAIN CORAF NorthernAfrica SADC/FANR Global knowledge through information and learning National focal point SRO AIS FARA- RAILS
10/22/ Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa Building Learning Teams
Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa What is a Learning team? The learning team concept within RAILS is based on the recognition that an information system is made of the following main components: – People, – Technology, – Contents, and – Processes The national learning team members are from various backgrounds and disciplines working together as information intermediaries. They should have a written approval from their institution management
Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa Learning team responsibilities Facilitation roles in information exchanges among and within between the NARS stakeholders and the building of a national agricultural information and learning system; Contribute in sensitization of NARS stakeholders on the use of international information management and sharing standards Actively participate in activities organized within the RAILS (online discussion, distance training, face to face training and meetings, surveys, etc.) Build capacities of NARS stakeholders on defined topics as need be Participate in the development of the national work plan in relation to the RAILS activities Contribute in building synergies, wherever possible, between RAILS activities and national initiatives undertaken by national partners
Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa eRAILS Platform The African Portal on Agriculture An online platform for communication, content mobilization, knowledge sharing at various levels: – National – Sub regional – Regional –
10/22/ Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa eRAILS: A glance at the features The concept… Individuals & Org. create sites The user’s backend allows to: edit and design sites and pages, provide links to external web-resources classify information All the sites are linked and searchable through a single gateway
10/22/ /22/ Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa – the African Portal on Agriculture 2.A glance at the features The gateway The search window Country-views Account-page The individual - Site Structure 3.Potential 4.A Collaboration of partners Menu with two hierarchies Content can be individually designed Adapt logo and titles Search: this site and related external pages
Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa Some eRAILS Features Decentralized Content management system (CMS) Range of thematic national portals Integrated and structured environment for enhanced collaboration Clear categorization of contents: Thematic portals (TPs) Easiness of creation of thematic portals (5 min.) Focus on content and not on technology Easy integration of external web-resources Powerful meta-search engine: simultaneous search of all TPs and related external web-resources Tool-box for interaction Etc.
Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa Thank you