Lesson learnt by Fredrick Otike Dedan Kimathi University of Technology-Kenya VLIR-UOS workshop Training Information Literacy with Southern Partners 10/22/2015
Introduction The two weeks VLIR-UOS workshop on Training Information Literacy with Southern Partners has been a success and a great eye opener The workshop has not only been educative but also very informative The workshop has enable me get practical skills in various IL aspects 10/22/2015
Introduction Dedan kimathi University of Technology had been experiencing various challenges in conducting Information literacy The challenges were highlighted in my previous presentation. However, from the workshop most of the challenges has been addressed and in some instances solutions given. 10/22/2015
Important Lessoned learnt The role of Universities in providing IL Challenges experienced in most countries are almost similar Training approaches and the Barriers to learning The role of ABCD in the management of Discovery & literacy training tool eLearning XHTML editor (eXe) as An easy-to- use tool to create learning environments 10/22/2015
What next? Conducting of Information literacy using the learning tools Adoption of a library software that is able to provide effective Discovery & literacy training tool Consider the adoption of eLearning XHTML editor (eXe) as An easy-to-use tool to create learning environments 10/22/2015
What next? Continuous communication and exchange of good ideas with the flemish/flanders and my southern partners. 10/22/2015
Conclusion The organizers have done an incredible job to organize the workshop, the workshop was timely organized just when most institutions have been experiencing challenges and resistance from their funders. There is need to consider follower up so that efforts in various institutions are evaluated. 10/22/2015