Graphical User Interfaces 2 Tonga Institute of Higher Education
Introduction There are many controls you can use to create professional software applications Form Label LinkLabel TextBox Etc. We are going to cover the basic controls
Naming Conventions Each control has a name This name is used to reference the control Different companies use different prefixes in the name to identify controls Button – btn, cmd CheckBox – chk ColumnHeader - colhdr ComboBox – cbo Form - frm GroupBox – gbx, grp Label – lbl LinkLabel - lnk ListView – lvw, lst MainMenu – mmu MenuItem - mnu Panel - pnl PictureBox – pbx, pic RadioButton – rad, rdo, opt Tab Control - tab Tab Page – tabpag TextBox – txt Use the ones you like Be consistent!
Form - 1 A window that makes up an application's user interface. Useful Properties AutoScroll Determines whether scroll bars should automatically appear if the form’s contents use more space than the size of the form BackColor Determines the background color of the form FormBorderStyle Determines the style of the border Sizeable Fixed Etc. Location Determines the current location of the form on the screen
Form - 2 Useful Properties MaxSize Determines the maximum size the form is allowed to be MinSize Determines the minimum size the form is allowed to be MaximizeBox Determines whether a maximize box is displayed in the top right corner MinimizeBox Determines whether a minimize box is displayed in the top right corner Name Determines the name used to reference this form in your code Size Determines the current size of the form StartPosition Determines the location of the form when this form is first displayed Windows Default Center Screen Etc. Text Determines the text displayed at the top of the form WindowState Determines the state of the window when you start the program Minimized Maximized Normal
Demonstration Form
Label - 1 Displays text Useful Properties BackColor Determines the background color of the control Border Style Determines the border surrounding the control None FixedSingle Fixed3D Enabled Determines whether the user can use the control Font Determines the font of the text displayed Label
Label - 2 Useful Properties Location Determines the current location of the control on the form Name Determines the name of the control used to reference this control in your code Size Determines the current size of the control TabIndex Determines the index of the Tab order that this control will occupy TextAlign Determines the alignment of the text Text Determines the text displayed Visible Determines the visibility of the control Anchor Anchors the control to an edge of a container so a side of the control grows gracefully Dock Docks the control in a location in a container so the control grows gracefully
Demonstration Label
LinkLabel - 1 Displays a link. When this link is clicked, code is executed. Useful Properties ActiveLinkColor Determines the color of the link when you click on it BackColor Determines the background color of the control Border Style Determines the border surrounding the control None FixedSingle Fixed3D Enabled Determines whether the user can use the control Font Determines the font of the text displayed
LinkLabel - 2 Useful Properties LinkColor Determines the color of the link Location Determines the current location of the control on the form Name Determines the name of the control used to reference this control in your code Size Determines the current size of the form TabIndex Determines the index of the Tab order that this control will occupy Text Determines the text displayed TextAlign Determines the alignment of the text Visible Determines the visibility of the control Anchor Anchors the control to an edge of a container so a side of the control grows gracefully Dock Docks the control in a location in a container so the control grows gracefully
Demonstration LinkLabel
TextBox - 1 Allows user to input text Useful Properties AcceptsReturn Determines whether a return will enter a blank line or move to the next control AcceptsTab Determines whether a tab will enter a tab or move to the next control BackColor Determines the background color of the control Border Style Determines the border surrounding the control None FixedSingle Fixed3D Enabled Determines whether the user can use the control Font Determines the font of the text displayed ScrollBars TextBox
TextBox - 2 Useful Properties Location Determines the current location of the control on the form Multiline Determines whether the textbox has multiple lines MaxLength Determines the maximum length of text the user is allowed to enter Name Determines the name of the control used to reference this control in your code ReadOnly Determines whether the control is editable Size Determines the size of the control TabIndex Determines the index of the Tab order that this control will occupy TabStop Determines whether the tab order will stop at this control Text Determines the text displayed TextAlign Determines the alignment of the text Visible Determines the visibility of the control Anchor Anchors the control to an edge of a container so a side of the control grows gracefully Dock Docks the control in a location in a container so the control grows gracefully
Demonstration TextBox
ComboBox - 1 Allows user to select from a number of options Useful Properties BackColor Determines the background color of the control DropDownStyle Determines the appearance and functionality Simple DropDown DropDownList (Forces a user to select available options) Enabled Determines whether the user can use the control Font Determines the font of the text displayed Items Determines the options that a user can select from Location Determines the current location of the control on the form ComboBox
ComboBox - 2 Useful Properties MaxLength Determines the maximum length of text the user is allowed to enter Name Determines the name of the control used to reference this control in your code Size Determines the current size of the control Sorted Determines whether the selectable items are alphabetically ordered TabIndex Determines the index of the Tab order that this control will occupy TabStop Determines whether the tab order will stop at this control Text Determines the text displayed Visible Determines the visibility of the control Anchor Anchors the control to an edge of a container so a side of the control grows gracefully Dock Docks the control in a location in a container so the control grows gracefully
ComboBox – 3 The String Collection Editor is used to enter options This can be accessed by clicking on the button in the Item property
Demonstration ComboBox
CheckBox - 1 Allows user to enter a true/false value Useful Properties BackColor Determines the background color of the control CheckAlign Determines the alignment of the checkbox Checked Determines whether the checkbox is checked or not Enabled Determines whether the user can use the control Font Determines the font of the text displayed CheckBox
CheckBox - 2 Useful Properties Name Determines the name of the form used to reference this control in your code Location Determines the current location of the control on the form Size Determines the current size of the control TabIndex Determines the index of the Tab order that this control will occupy TabStop Determines whether the tab order will stop at this control Text Determines the text displayed TextAlign Determines the alignment of the text Visible Determines the visibility of the control Anchor Anchors the control to an edge of a container so a side of the control grows gracefully Dock Docks the control in a location in a container so the control grows gracefully
Demonstration CheckBox
ListView - 1 Allows user to see a list of text Useful Properties BackColor Determines the background color of the control BorderStyle Determines the style of the border Sizeable Fixed Etc. Columns Determines the columns displayed Enabled Determines whether the user can use the control FullRowSelect Determines whether a full row can be selected Gridlines Determines whether gridlines are displayed Items Determines the items displayed
ListView - 2 Location Determines the current location of the control on the form MultiSelect Determines whether multiple items can be selected Name Determines the name of the control used to reference this control in your code Scrollable Determines whether scrollbars will be available if the number of items exceeds the room available to display them Size Determines the current size of the control TabIndex Determines the index of the Tab order that this control will occupy TabStop Determines whether the tab order will stop at this control View Determines the type of view that is displayed LargeIcon SmallIcon Details List Visible Determines the visibility of the control Anchor Anchors the control to an edge of a container so a side of the control grows gracefully Dock Docks the control in a location in a container so the control grows gracefully
ListView - 3 The ListViewItem Collection Editor is used to enter options This can be accessed by clicking on the button in the Item property
Demonstration ListView
Panel Allows user to make a container for other controls Useful Properties Location Determines the current location of the control on the form Name Determines the name of the control used to reference this control in your code Size Determines the current size of the control Visible Determines the visibility of the control Anchor Anchors the control to an edge of a container so a side of the control grows gracefully Dock Docks the control in a location in a container so the control grows gracefully
Demonstration Panel
RadioButton - 1 Allows user to select from a number of options Useful Properties BackColor Determines the background color of the control Enabled Determines whether the user can use the control Font Determines the font of the text displayed Location Determines the current location of the control on the form Checked Determines whether the radiobutton is checked or not CheckAlign Determines the alignment of the checkbox Radio Button
RadioButton - 2 Useful Properties Name Determines the name of the control used to reference this control in your code Size Determines the current size of the control TabIndex Determines the index of the Tab order that this control will occupy TabStop Determines whether the tab order will stop at this control Text Determines the text displayed TextAlign Determines the alignment of the text Visible Determines the visibility of the control Anchor Anchors the control to an edge of a container so a side of the control grows gracefully Dock Docks the control in a location in a container so the control grows gracefully
Demonstration RadioButton
GroupBox - 1 Allows user to see related items grouped together Useful Properties BackColor Determines the background color of the control Enabled Determines whether the user can use the control Font Determines the font of the text displayed Location Determines the current location of the control on the form Name Determines the name of the control used to reference this control in your code GroupBox
GroupBox - 2 Useful Properties Size Determines the current size of the form TabIndex Determines the index of the Tab order that this control will occupy Text Determines the text displayed Visible Determines the visibility of the control Anchor Anchors the control to an edge of a container so a side of the control grows gracefully Dock Docks the control in a location in a container so the control grows gracefully
Demonstration GroupBox
PictureBox Allows user to see pictures Useful Properties Image Determines the image displayed Sizemode Determines the how the picture is displayed in relation to the size of the control Location Determines the current location of the control on the form Name Determines the name of the control used to reference this control in your code Size Determines the current size of the control Visible Determines the visibility of the control Anchor Anchors the control to an edge of a container so a side of the control grows gracefully Dock Docks the control in a location in a container so the control grows gracefully PictureBox
Demonstration PictureBox
Tab Control Allows user to use tabs Useful Properties Location Determines the current location of the control on the form Name Determines the name of the control used to reference this control in your code Size Determines the current size of the control Visible Determines the visibility of the control TabPages Add tab pages Anchor Anchors the control to an edge of a container so a side of the control grows gracefully Dock Docks the control in a location in a container so the control grows gracefully Tab Control
Demonstration Tab Control
MainMenu Control Allows user to use main menus Useful Properties Name Determines the name of the control used to reference this control in your code A MainMenu control contains many MenuItem controls Separation lines can be inserted by right clicking on a blank menuitem displaying Type Here and selecting Insert Separator On the form containing the menu, make sure to select the proper menu to display A form can have multiple menus but only 1 can be displayed at a time An underline can be achieve by using & in the text property. This allows users to use hot keys to navigate through a menu MenuItem hotkeys can be added through the shortcut property MainMenu Control
Demonstration MainMenu Control