Chapter 1 About Science
Science is the study of nature’s rules
Science and math Math is a way that science can quantify things. Mathematical formulas can be used to predict the outcome of an experiment. Physics and math are very closely tied together. To study physics is to study math. In this class we will do our best to keep the math to a minimum.
Science is not Nature Science is an attempt to model nature’s rules. It is not nature. Newton’s Law of Gravity is just a model of the real world.
Important Vocab Fact is a close agreement by competent observers who make a series of observations of the same phenomenon. hypothesis is an educated guess that is not fully accepted until demonstrated by experiment. When hypotheses about the relationship among natural quantities are tested over and over again and not contradicted, they may become laws or principles.
One More Word A scientific theory is a synthesis of a large body of information that encompasses well-tested and verified hypotheses about certain aspects of the natural world.
Scientific Method Recognize a problem. Make an educated guess- a hypothesis-bout the answer. Predict the consequences of the hypothesis. Perform experiments to test predictions. Formulate the simplest general rule that organizes the main ingredients: hypothesis, prediction, and experimental outcome.
Science must be testable. If there is no way to test a hypothesis, then it is not scientific. Albert Einstein put it well when he stated, No number of experiments can prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.
More on Theories The theories of science are not fixed, but rather they evolve as they go through stages of redefinition and refinement. During the past hundred years, the theory of the atom has been refined as new evidence was gathered. Similarly, biologists have refined the cell theory.
Science And Technology Science is a method of answering theoretical questions; technology is a method of solving practical problems.
Science discovers facts and relationships between observable phenomena in nature Establishing theories that organize and make sense of these facts and relationships.
Technology has to do with tools, techniques, and procedures for putting the findings of science to use.
Common Misconceptions Science and technology are the same. Science is finding things out Technology is doing them. Physics is applied mathematics Although mathematics is a language of physics, it is not the only way to study physics.
Think about it! How does technology affect our lives? Is it all good? Give examples. Pro and Cons Think-Pair-Share 1.Think-Answer the question on your own on a piece of paper. 2.Pair- Find a partner. Share what both of you think. 3.Share. I will call on you to talk about what you think
More thinking Are there things we shouldn’t study in science?