Back to School Night First Grade August 23, 2011 Mrs. CrawfordMrs. Ging Mrs. Ketter Mrs. Miller Mrs. Nelson Mrs. Pennington
First Grade Curriculum
Reading Effective reading instruction in first grade is critical to later reading success. The National Reading Panel looked at scientific research studies and found five critical areas of reading instruction: –Phonemic Awareness –Phonics –Fluency –Comprehension –Vocabulary Reading Effective reading instruction in first grade is critical to later reading success. The National Reading Panel looked at scientific research studies and found five critical areas of reading instruction: –Phonemic Awareness –Phonics –Fluency –Comprehension –Vocabulary
Reading TEACHER Whole group Small groups Individuals SKILLS Phonemic Awareness Phonics Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension PROGRAM: Scott Foresman Reading Street Basal Readers Leveled Readers Bookbags SuccessMaker Computer Program
Guided Reading Groups Research based instructional approach Involves a teacher working with a small group of students with similar instructional needs who can all read similar levels of texts. Students are placed into short term flexible skill groups Differentiated to meet individual student needs in all areas of reading.
Spelling Directly tied with reading and writing developmental progress. Teach and review sounds in a direct, systematic approach throughout the year. Start spelling “test practice” the first quarter of school but not graded until second quarter. Combination of 5 words tied to phonics rules and 5 high frequency words/sight words (10 words total). Each week there will be two spelling lists but your child will only study one based upon his/her needs. More info coming in the second quarter.
Everyday Math Published by Wright Group/McGraw-Hill Research-based balanced mathematics program 20 year development by the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project Comprehensive, balanced approach to mathematics teaching and learning
Everyday Math Numeration counting; reading and writing numbers; place value; fractions, money Operations and Computation addition and subtraction facts; fact families; problem solving Data and Chance collecting, organizing, and displaying data 1 st Grade Content
Everyday Math Geometry exploring 2-3 dimensional polygons Measurement measuring length, volume, and weight; using clocks, calendars, timelines, and thermometers Patterns and Functions exploring patterns and sequences Daily review of previously learned skills is a key component of Everyday Mathematics. 1 st Grade Content
Everyday Math Students develop skill mastery through: Student Math Journals Mental Math Math Messages Games - Skills Activities
Weekly Math Homework Home Links 2-3 Weekly Sent home on Monday and returned by Friday. Everyday Math
Social Studies Units Christmas Around the World American Symbols Where I Live Pilgrims and Native Americans
Science Units Properties Weather Five Senses Life Cycles Landforms Simple Machines
Grading Scale + Secure with skill/concept Developing * Needs Improvement / Not Assessed
First Grade Expectations
SOAR School-Wide Behavior Expectations S – Stay Safe O – Own Your Own Behavior A – Accept Responsibility R – Respect Relationships
Expectations Classroom Expectations and Consequence Contracts
Expectations Weekly Behavior Monitoring
First Grade Procedures
Money: 5x7 envelope sent home in Parent Packet today. Please complete the information on the envelope. Envelope will be returned to you with my initials to show that the money was received. Please leave the envelope at home until it is necessary to send money.
Procedures Snacks: We will take a short break each day for a snack. Please send snacks daily, ready to eat. We ask that snacks be nutritional, and that no candy be sent. Sometimes students get confused about what they brought for a snack vs lunch. Please send only one snack item.
Procedures Homework Monday: Homelinks (Math) Sent Home, Spelling Words Sent Home Tuesday – Complete Math Homework as Time Allows, Practice Spelling Words Thursday: Friday:All Math Homework DUE Other: 5 nights per week: Reading for 20 Minutes Rereading of Books from Guided Reading Group
Procedures Change in Transportation After School: If there is a change in after school transportation, please send a note, , or call to inform your child’s teacher of the change in plans.
Portfolios A place to collect student work throughout the course of the year –We need your help to put them together. Directions for this will be given in your parent packet. Class T-Shirts –Each class will make individual classroom t-shirts. These we will have screen printed and parents will place orders. Be on the lookout for this to be coming home soon. Procedures
Thank You for Coming! Team Time Parents –Please stay put for some additional information All Other Parents –Please head to your child’s classroom for specific classroom information and Parent Packets