Counselor Phone & s A – D Mr. Brown E - K Mrs. Pollard L - R Miss Darcy S – Z Ms. Stewart
Course Handbook Check your school ! It has been ed to you! If you need further descriptions of all the courses, you may access the course curriculum book on-line at: Guidance Course & Scheduling Information Course Handbook
REQUIRED COURSES Required English English 9English 10English 11English 12 4 Math Math (Alg. 2)Math4 Science Physical Science Biology Science Elective 3 Social Studies World Studies U.S. Studies Govt / Econ 3 PE / Health PE/ Health PE.5 /.5 Fine ArtsFine Art1 Electives 5 Pass OGT Tests Total Credits 21 Career Tech students are exempt from Fine Arts Credit
HONORS DIPLOMA College prep students must meet 7 of 8 criteria. Career-tech requirements are slightly different. These requirements are in addition to the DCS requirements for graduation. n n English4 units n n Mathematics4 units (including Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II or equivalent and another higher level course) n n Science4 units (including Physics & Chemistry) n n Social Studies4 units n n Foreign Language3 units (including at least 2 units in each language studied) n n Fine Arts1 unit n n Grade Point Average3.5 on an unweighted 4.0 scale n n ACT/SAT Score 27 ACT / 1210 SAT (excludes scores from the writing sections)*
Ohio Graduation Test (OGT) n n Reading n n Math n n Writing n n Science n n Social Studies Students will first be tested in the spring of their sophomore year. Students who do not pass a part of the test will be retested in the fall and again in the spring until all five parts of the tests have been passed. Students may elect to participate in an intervention program during the summer and have an additional opportunity to take the test in June. Tests will be given March 11 th – 15 th in the afternoon.
GPA Ranking GPA SCALE HAS CHANGED BEGINNING WITH THE CLASS OF 2014 Course grades are based on + / - scale. We will be using the following scale to compute GPA’s. AP Courses are weighted 1 point for grades C- or above. A %4.0 A93-97%4.0 A-90-92%3.7 B+88-89%3.3 B83-87%3.0 B-80-82%2.7 C+78-79%2.3 C73-77%2.0 C-70-72%1.7 D+68-69%1.3 D63-67%1.0 D-60-62%.7 F0-59%0
WEIGHTED GRADES n AP classes are weighted for grades of C- or higher. This means that an A = 5 pts. B = 4 pts. etc. for AP classes only n GPA’s can be over 4.0 n Valedictorian - all students who have a 4.1 GPA and 3 AP classes. n Salutatorian - all students who have a 4.0 GPA and 2 AP classes.
Physical Education Waiver Students may opt to waive their PE classes by participating in & successfully completing two seasons of an OHSAA approved sport, AFJROTC (2 years), or Marching Band but you must follow these guidelines. n n Waivers will be automatically added to transcripts at the end of season. n n You must notify your counselor if you DO NOT wish to use your waiver.
DACC Delaware Area Career Center Applications are still being accepted. Priority Deadline is Feb. 1 st – if you apply after that there is no guarantee of acceptance. Turn your applications in to the guidance office ASAP.
College Options 1. Post-Secondary Educational Options (PSEOP) PSEOP allows Ohio high school students to earn college credit and high school credit through completion of college courses. Students must meet the state and university requirements. Students travel to the university to take these courses. Students do not have to pay college tuition for these courses. 2. Concurrent Enrollment Students attend a university and can earn college and high school credit at the same time. Parents and students absorb this cost. Universities that do not participate in PSEO offer this option.
College Options 3. Dual Enrollment Students take these classes at Hayes High School in their regular schedules, taught by Hayes High School teachers. Students pay reduced tuition fees and can receive both high school and a college credit at the end of the course. *Look in the Course Handbook or refer to the course selection sheet. 4. Advanced Placement (AP) The Advanced Placement (AP) Program is offered to high school students through The College Board and provides a resource for students to earn collegiate credit before enrolling at a university. Advanced Placement (AP) courses are offered at Hayes High School. Students must apply for these courses. These courses also have additional fees and a culminating test in May. Students who take AP courses stand out in the admissions process. High test scores can result in college credit. See the course guide for available courses. Beginning with the Class of 2014 a student must earn a C- or better to earn the additional point for weighted grading.
AP Course Offerings n AP Language & Composition n AP Literature & Composition n AP Calculus AB n AP Calculus BC n AP Statistics n AP Biology n AP Chemistry n AP Environmental n AP Physics B n AP European History n AP US History n AP Government n AP Art History n AP Studio Art Applications can be found on the web or in guidance. Signatures from current teacher and AP teacher need to be obtained on application.
New for n n Proposed 8-period school day n n Science n n Hybrid Courses n n Music n n Electives n n Drop Policy n n Pass/Fail Policy n n Study Hall n n Deadlines
Proposed 8-period School Day n n Classes will be shortened to 45 minutes n n 4 Lunch periods during periods 4,6,8,10 (no split classes) & will be 30 minutes long n n 8 periods during the day n n Seniors must take at least 6 periods of classes. n n School day will be extended 10 minutes Sample Schedule Period 1: 7:30 – 8:15 Period 2: 8:20 – 9:05 Period 3: 9:10 – 9:55 Period 4/5: 10:00 – 10:45 Period 6 LUNCH: 10:50 –11:20 Period 7/8: 11:25 – 12:10 Period 9/10: 12:15 – 1:00 Period 11: 1:05 – 1:50 Period 12: 1:55 – 2:40
Science n n AP Environmental Science – –Must have completed Algebra 2 and have completed or be concurrently enrolled in Chemistry n n All AP Science courses will be two periods long in length due to lab requirements. n n Chemistry Accelerated – –This course will go more in-depth & at a faster pace than Chemistry. Students planning to major in the Sciences in college are encouraged to take this course.
Hybrid Courses n n Hybrid courses are taught partly online and partly in the classroom. Students may not be required to report to the course daily but will have coursework to complete on their own on that day. n n Hybrid Courses will be offered in: – –Earth Science – –Government & Economics – –Health – –Fitness/PE
Music n n Concert Orchestra n n Symphony Orchestra – –Audition Only n n Marching & Wind Ensemble Band n n Music Theory & Harmony n n Jazz Band will become an after-school program.
Elective Courses n n Volunteer Work Credit – –An opportunity to earn 1 credit through 160 hours of volunteer service at a non-profit community service organization. May be repeated once. n n Name Changes: – –Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) - Formerly JOG – –Jobs for America’s Graduates Multi-Year – Formerly Futures – –Life Choices – Formerly Life Planning – –Child Development – Formerly Parenting – –On Your Own – Formerly Living Today
DACC Business Management Lab 2 credits n n This is the first lab of a two-year lab program taught at Hayes by an instructor from the Delaware Area Career Center. Students will be scheduled into this lab for two consecutive periods. n n The first year, students focus on understanding of our economic system and how businesses operate in that environment, the study of business ethics and leadership, computer applications, interpersonal and communication skills. n n The second year is focused on personal finance, bookkeeping, QuickBooks, business language, business management, while pulling it all together utilizing an online environment. Additional components of the program – earn free college credit, internship experiences, opportunities for 4 year pathways, and a jump start on your future. n n Next year’s seniors may take the first year of this lab.
Marion Tech PSEO Courses n n Students with a 2.75 GPA may apply for the PSEO courses that will be taught by a Marion Tech Instructor at Hayes. n n Sociology and Oral Communications will be taught the first semester and Psychology and Dealing with Diversity will be taught second semester. Students must take all four courses, which will be taught in two consecutive periods Monday through Thursday. n n Students will earn 12 semester hours of credit!!!!
PSEO Class at Hayes MTC Skills for Success MTC Careers for the 21 Century These two classes are usually offered last period two days a week during 1 st semester. Flyer is available with applications.
PSEO Meeting n n If you are interested in PSEO and did not attend the Jan 22 nd meeting, there is a make-up meeting on Feb 7 th at 7:00 – 7:30 PM in Room n n This meeting is REQUIRED for participation in PSEO.
Virtual High School n n Available for enrichment n n Courses available in a variety of academic areas n n Courses are not offered to replace those already taught at Hayes n n Interested students need to apply on-line: Guidance > Course & Scheduling Info Click on the Applications link on the left
CREDIT FLEX Students may earn credits in non-traditional ways through new Ohio legislation. These ways include: Virtual Learning Test-Out Independent Study, which may include: distance learning, educational travel, independent study, an internship, music, arts, after-school/tutorial program, community service or other engagement projects and sports
CREDIT FLEX For additional information: Costs Deadlines (June 1 st !) Applications Visit the guidance website
OPTION Juniors who are on track to graduate and meet the required qualifications may choose option for 1 st or last period. Major requirements are: 2.75 GPA, 12 credits earned, & schedule 7 classes with upper level math or science course. Applications must be returned to your counselor.
Drop Policy n n Students will now only be able to drop courses ONE time during their high school career without penalty after the first two weeks of the start of a course. A “W” indicating Withdrawal from the course will be entered on the transcript. This does not affect the GPA. n n All courses dropped after this option is used, will result in an F. This will be entered on the transcript and will affect the GPA. n n If a student has dropped courses prior to the school year, he/she will still be granted the one-time “W” option.
Pass / Fail Option Open to grades The following restrictions are placed upon this choice: n n No required core course may be taken pass/fail. n n No more than one credit may be elected in a given subject area during the four years of high school. n n PowerSchool will indicate actual grade percentage earned. n n A student may choose to return to the standard letter grade anytime prior to the end of the course. If this option is selected, the student is responsible for making the request in writing to their Guidance counselor by the end of the course. The student will then receive a letter grade for the final grade of the course. When the student drops the pass/fail option, they may not use the pass/fail option for another course in that school year. n n Application must be returned to guidance no later than the end of course’s 1st Term.
Study Hall n n Students may choose to take a traditional study hall or a tutoring lab. n n Tutoring Labs will be available in Math, English, Science, or World Language.
Applications n n AP Classes n n Open Lunch and Study hall Option n n Virtual High School -VHS n n Delhi n n D-Town n n Applications can be found on the web or in the School Counseling office.
Scheduling Tips Think ahead about your 4-year plan. Be sure you consider what you want your senior year to look like. Decide on what classes you want to take next year. PE & Health are important. Be sure you have enough classes for graduation, honors diploma, athletic eligibility, etc. Check out the Course Handbook on-line at: Discuss choices with your parent(s)/guardian(s). Make a list of questions to discuss with your counselor when you schedule.
Dates to Remember n n All course selections and applications are due February 22 nd ! Students will NOT be added to courses requiring applications without a completed application being submitted. n n Any requests to change course selections must be submitted to your school counselor by June 10 th. NO REQUESTS WILL BE HONORED AFTER THIS DATE! n n Students may only make ONE request to change their schedule. (Multiple changes can be made in this one request.) n n Students will only be able to change course requests to the alternate courses that are originally submitted to the counselor.
PowerSchool Scheduler n n NEW: Students will visit their counselor during science classes in the Counseling Department (dates on the following slide). n n Students will still register for classes online through PowerSchool. n n Your counselor will verify the classes you sign up for.
PowerScheduler n n Students will be able to register for classes through Powerschool n n You should access this now prior to your assigned Science scheduling day when you meet with your counselor. Your counselor will verify the classes you have signed up for during your meeting. n n Consult your graduation progress plan online as you are selecting your classes.
Scheduling Online
Graduation Progress