Conferences Designed to Flex and Thrive Through Changing Economic Times Penn State Partners - Conferences & Institutes
Issues in the Market: 2009 Exhibition and Conf. Industry Outlook: – 63% predict revenue growth reduction – Industry lags the economy 2009 CES attendance: -22% Hotel/business meetings: – Business meetings: 7% cancelled – Attendance: -5% NYT, need date
Issues in the Market: Peer Institutions: – Reduced travel commitment – Stagnant number of conferences; reduced attend. – Technology growth/expectations – Cost increases (Energy, travel, food, etc.) – Generational differences in learning
Challenges to C&I: C&I Business status – to be completed: – Enrollments: – Revenue: – Number of conferences offered and participants
Characteristics of the ‘Ideal Solution’: Allows C&I response to changing market Participant centered Positions C&I as leader in industry Creates competitive advantage for C&I Alters existing value proposition Aligned with Outreach strategic initiatives Generate revenue
Proposed Model Pre-Conference Networking Pre-build comm. Define content ID technology Vet local content Pre-Conference Networking Pre-build comm. Define content ID technology Vet local content Distributed Conference Push-pull content Regional reports Set ‘future charge’ Distributed Conference Push-pull content Regional reports Set ‘future charge’ Pre-Conference Marketing Pre-Conference Marketing ‘Communities of Learning’ Regional reports Networking Shared pres. Research props. Exhibitor Info Next conf. ideas ‘Communities of Learning’ Regional reports Networking Shared pres. Research props. Exhibitor Info Next conf. ideas Market for ‘Add-On’ produts (Team 2?)
Proposed Solution: ‘Distributed’ Conferencing Regional conferencing partnerships Host location shares content with regional partners Test new technologies while hosting: – Participant driven content: World Café, Bar Camps, etc. – ‘Communities of Learning’ as market development – Interactive between partners – Post-conference revenue
How it will work: When hosting :When partnering: Distribute overview of conferenceReceive overview of conference Transmit keynotes to partnersReceive keynote from host Opt in to regional SMEs Facilitate region report-out for interactive sessions Facilitate local conference activities Maintain website for participant post- conference communication
Revenue Sources for PSU C&I: Host:Partner: Local conference revenue Revenue from participating partners Membership from website participation National sales of follow-up materials Sponsorships (future)
Proposed Model Pre-Conference Networking Pre-build comm. Define content ID technology Vet local content Pre-Conference Networking Pre-build comm. Define content ID technology Vet local content Distributed Conference Push-pull content Regional reports Set ‘future charge’ Distributed Conference Push-pull content Regional reports Set ‘future charge’ Pre-Conference Marketing Pre-Conference Marketing ‘Communities of Learning’ Regional reports Networking Shared pres. Research props. Exhibitor Info Next conf. ideas ‘Communities of Learning’ Regional reports Networking Shared pres. Research props. Exhibitor Info Next conf. ideas Market for ‘Add-On’ products (Team 2?)
Overview of the Proposed Solution: Revised model for conferences – Distributed architecture (Hub-spoke) – Establish University partners (Push-pull) Participant driven – Pre- & post-conference – ‘Communities of Learning’ – Market for post-conference products Leverage Technology: – Social networking – New conferencing techniques Benchmark results
Benefits 1.First in market – Competitive advantage 2.Focus on participant experience 3.Pilot new technologies and techniques 4.Reposition C&I - new suite of services 5.Allows for smaller conferences while increasing revenue 6.New market for maxed-out conferences 7.Allows for balancing of F2F and tech
Pilot Project: Energy Efficiency Appropriateness: – ‘Green’ audience open to change – Possible grant to support – Positions Outreach as a leader in energy
Pilot - How long; how much Human resource commitment: – Technology support – C&I project management Technology: – Room equipped to act as host or partner – Option: Partner with PSPB Training for speakers/ID&D: – Partner with World Campus
Keys to Outreach Success Organizational commitment – Financial and human resources – Help with change management Getting the ‘right partners’ – Aligned in tech, commitment, visibility – Expertise must benefit PS C&I – Passion for the project Willingness to accept risk – May involve failed initiatives – Persistence is crucial Reinvestigate possible institutional barriers – AD03 or workaround – Ability to issue CEUs to distance participants? – Offer our participants CEUs from partners?
Primary Benefits New leadership role within industry New channel for Outreach strategies New business model that can move with the market – Proactive rather than reactive New value proposition
Marketing (Announce Conference) Participant & Partners Planning Face-to-face Gathering Community of Learning partner w/ facilitators and planners content defined by participants social networking I.D. appropriate technology solutions vet local presenters Participant & Partners Planning Host table sessions – post materials World Café activities regional report-outs participants moderating online communities set the charge for the continuing interaction Partner Face-to-face Gathering Community of Learning Host Partner Inputs Community of Learning social networking posted materials from break-outs continued conversations presentation sharing new conference research/proposals? exhibitor information Community of Learning Input to Team 2-type Project $ Revenue Generation $ new research other conv (?) presentations courses