mtrla/ /perst Framework of Nursing Professionalism 1mtrla/
Nurses (all category) - 83,802 * Doctors- 30,573 mtrla/ /malaysia 2 2mtrla/
mtrla/ /malaysia 3 STATISTIC TOTAL NO. OF NURSES IN MALAYSIA NOCATEGORYPUBLICPRIVATETOTAL 1 REGISTERED NURSES (U29-U54) 41,18414,41455,598 2 COMMUNITY NURSES18, ASSISTANT NURSES1,8557,7119,566 4 MIDWIVES491- TOTAL 61,67722,12583,802 TOTAL NUMBER (U29-U54) WITH POS BASIC 21,276 ( 38.27% ) 3mtrla/
7 Planning Do Action Check DIRECTOR Networking Monitoring FATHILAH
In 2006 – from a total of 11 private owned Nursing Colleges approved to 36 Colleges. mtrla/ /malaysia 8 Challenges Faced With Newly Appointed Graduates 8mtrla/
1. Strengthen entry qualification for basic nursing training from 3 credit to 5 credits in SPM. Aptitude test – during application and for the appointment. mtrla/ Entry Qualification STRATEGY
mtrla/ /malaysia Mentor-mentee programme Problem Solving / decision making Critical thinking Communication (including soft skills) Assertiveness in the delivery of quality and safe nursing care. 11mtrla/
mtrla/ /malaysia 12 REMEDIAL ACTIONS Initiation of Mentor – Mentee Programme in collaboration with Northumbria Uni.,UK 2006 – Workshop on Mentoring for senior nurses and nurse tutors was jointly organized by NBM University Northumbria, UK - Create awareness 12mtrla/
2006 – Set – up technical committee to prepare module : - How to mentor - Guidelines on Being A Good Nurse (based on 7 concept ) - Nursing Practice Guidelines (25 discipline) - Training of Trainers (zoning – 3 Peninsular + 2 East Malaysia) mtrla/ /malaysia 13 mtrla/
3. Tying of Continuos Professional Development (CPD) to Annual Practicing Certificate (APC) Made mandatory since year Effect Competent, knowledgeable and skillful. mtrla/ /malaysia 14 mtrla/
4. Specialization Encourage nurses after 3years clinical to go for advance course By equipping nurses with the desired knowledge and relevant core competencies and skills in highly specialized care disciplines, hence, making today’s nurses more flexible and responsive to the needs of the environment and consumers. mtrla/ /perst mtrla/
Upgrading Nurses from Support group to Professional (2006) Restoration of Nursing Division Appointment of Director of Nursing Incentives for Pos-basic Courses Retirement age increased to 58 years old. 17 mtrla/ /malaysia 17 Service Secto r 17mtrla/
18 EDUCATION Upgrading from school to college Upgrading college to university Upgrading from certificate to diploma Upgrading community nurses to staff nurses Upgrading Midwives to Community Nurses
Making good contributions to Patient safety Sustain quality and productivity Building skills and competency of nurses Meeting client’s needs now and in the future 20mtrla/
SUCCESS 21mtrla/
Educator Clinical Nurse Specialist U48 Hospital Intensive Care, Medical, Paediatric, Surgical,Obs&Gyn,Perioperative,Cardiology,Orthopaedic, Neonatal,Anesthesia, Emergency, Trauma, Haematology, Nephrology,Oncology, Neurology,Opthalmology, Otorinolaringologi, Public Health - Maternal Child Health, Primer Clinical Nurse Specialist U48 Hospital Intensive Care, Medical, Paediatric, Surgical,Obs&Gyn,Perioperative,Cardiology,Orthopaedic, Neonatal,Anesthesia, Emergency, Trauma, Haematology, Nephrology,Oncology, Neurology,Opthalmology, Otorinolaringologi, Public Health - Maternal Child Health, Primer Management U48 Management U52 Management U54 Management Jusa C Clinical Nurse Specialist U52 Clinical Nurse Specialist U54 Clinical Nurse Specialist JUSA C Nurse with Degree U41/42 Nurse with Degree U44 22 Proposal for the Future of Nurses with Tertiary Education Ministry of Health Malaysia Proposal for the Future of Nurses with Tertiary Education Ministry of Health Malaysia Nurse with degree U29/32/36 22
mtrla/ OUR WAY FORWARD / FUTURE CHALLENGE Upgrading diploma Nursing programes to degree Increase the number of nurses with Specialization Upgrade basic Nursing training from Diploma to Degree
Nursing is a holistic profession. THE FUTURE OF NURSING IS IN OUR HAND …. WHAT WE ARE DOING TODAY! 24mtrla/
If we are still sleeping… Wake Up!!! 2010 now 26mtrla/