Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Abraham Maslow In the 1930’s the psychologist Abraham Maslow designed a pyramid to explain ‘basic health needs’.
Basic Physical Needs #4. Basic Physical Needs
Basic Physical Needs This includes the need for Food Drink Oxygen Sleep Warmth Sensory pleasure Maternal behaviour and Sexual Desire. If people are denied any of these needs, they may spend long periods of time looking for them.
#6. Safety and Security Needs Basic Physical Needs
Safety and Security Needs Once a persons basic needs have been met, their next concern is usually for safety and security, freedom from pain, threat from physical attack and protection from danger.
Safety and Security Needs Basic Physical Needs Love and Social Needs #8. Love and Social needs Safety and Security Needs
Love and Social needs These include: a sense of belonging the need for social activities friendships and the giving and receiving of love.
Love and emotional needs Esteem needs #10. Esteem needs Love and emotional needs Safety and Security Needs Basic Physical Needs
Esteem needs This includes the need to have self respect (involves the desire to have strength, confidence, independence, freedom and achievement) and esteem of others (involves having prestige, status, attention, recognition, reputation and appreciation from other people).
Yes Self actualisation needs Self-esteem needs Love and emotional needs Safety and Security Needs Basic Physical Needs
Self actualisation needs This is the development of and realisation of a persons full potential. all the other needs in the pyramid have to be achieved before a person can reach this stage. Yes
Final thought ‘Health is complete physical, mental and social well-being and not just the absence of disease or infirmity 1946 World Health Organisation Copy of Maslow's Pyramid of Needs .doc